Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: epik31 on February 03, 2005, 02:34:31 pm
I've created a doll stash
and put in about 50 dolls
but the only +option i got was +2 find potion(barb skill).
is there a specific order for the doll stash to have certain +skills?
or is it always just one skill and in my case it's [find potion.]
Can someone please explain to me how the doll stash works?
the more dolls you put into the stash the more +skills you get on the doll stash
the number of dolls which you need varies (it depends on the "quality" of dolls, I think and only Chaos knows them)
if you put BoWdolls in the stash for example, the chance that you get a skill SHOULD be higher (but I don't really know if it is the case)
just put more dolls in it...
I myself have about 100 dolls in my doll stash and I also have just +2 find potion on it...
Just keep goin, at least at 111 there will be (probably) one more add to the stash.
It´s kinda different. My stash gets with 70 dolls lower resist for examble. A friend of mine had 120 dolls in it and only +2 to find potion. Just keep cubing :thumbup: