Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: camoste on December 15, 2004, 02:49:39 am
new to realm playing this mod and was wondering about some instructions for a newbie in english if possible...
i dont know all that hex stuff and what to do with it where is states
Latest Gateway File for all Realm's:
Doubleclick me after download :)
on the ce web page
any help???
Getting Realm Accounts
For jenworld you only need to connect with older version 749 and make yourself an account
For ccc there is a more restrictive rule
(to keep my time more safe, and also to get a closer community without anomynity, we mule in open game without thiefs eg, if i get screens from spamming you get banned and so on, this is not are a big familiy!!!)
CCC has always latest version, so much more downloads
You must post a post in the inheribant thread in fun forum(sticky)
after this click on the posted button and send me a pm, with this link
if ccc is down
write server number and game name into
if jenworld is down PM jen here in this forum or write a message to
just download the mod, install and activate it and connect to the right server
if you wanna play on jenworld, you need v7.49
if you wanna play on ccc, follow these instructions
if you installed and activated the mod and dont have the CE realms in your list, then download the regfile you mentioned and just run it once, then you should have all realms in your list when you connect to
btw we got a forum for international support
thanks much will give it a go now :)
here instructin to get an account with pictures :lol:
Where are the english realms? i can only find german realms
Its because most of the players are German, just join any Server ccc or Jen.
Have fun with funny english ;)
Ure welcome :s434:
you can surely host an english realm...
hopefully you have > t1 line ...
I have 7.49e, and it wont let me log onto jen world... and besides, on CCC, i have tried typing in random letters for the account name and it still says "Account name is taken, try again"
well one reason for your problems could be that you didn't read the first post here, where everything you just asked is explained :rolleyes: