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Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: feanor on December 14, 2004, 12:22:51 am

Title: Doll Stash
Post by: feanor on December 14, 2004, 12:22:51 am
First, thanks for creating this thread. I wait it so long :clap:

I want to understand some mechanics of Dolls Stash. Different dolls i put in stash  creates difference stats? Or only dolls inserted in break time(when stats generates)? :blink:

Btw, what about moving this topic here. It can be useful for all newbies.
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: Clawyer on December 14, 2004, 12:42:00 am
The "normal" doll stash gets Find potion +1 at 3 dolls, +2 find potion at ~8 dolls, +0.5 poison damage at 111 dolls and then Amplify Damage and Lower Resist somewhere around 130 dolls. But! There are some special dolls that change this, so if you start getting other skills nothing's wrong ;)
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: Olfmo on December 14, 2004, 01:38:24 am
but we don't know exactly which dolls actually put which skill on the stash and which "block" it so you don't get any skills at first...

it is all a big miracle to us and we've discussed it A LOT :)

but clawyer is right, most times it goes like he described, after that you will get valkyrie and slow missiles, with 333 dolls lightning damage, and after that it variies very hard, so the real uniqueness of the doll stashes you can only see if you put really much dolls in it :)
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: feanor on December 14, 2004, 09:43:18 am
Ok, but while testing the doll stash, i dupped some dolls and get more than 4000. :s662:  BUT i didn't get LR.
 And i never got this skill o other stashes(~300 dolls). But i realy need it. :wallbash: Maybe i must insert some special dolls? Tyrael chimera, etc...? :blink: 
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: Celial on December 14, 2004, 09:48:28 am
if you dupe dolls, the stash is gonna "break"
it wont work right, so that the stash is destructed, because the stash checks the id of the doll, and if 2 same id's are inserted... crash
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: feanor on December 14, 2004, 09:53:47 am
My stash never brakes :blink:
Btw i dupped ONLY for expirement so i'm a legit player  :P 
Title: Doll Stash
Post by: Phlebiac on December 14, 2004, 10:36:09 am
Well just believe it. Many people tried it before you and all of them destroyed their Dollstash in one way or another.
If you want to test the Stash, do Cows or just play normal, collect the Eggs and hope for dolls ;).
Title: Re: Doll Stash
Post by: Djorn on May 22, 2005, 10:00:55 pm
Just Dupe eggs , They are random .: id's are different. You still need to cube them, then just discard the tras and keep ur dolls Lmao ;-)
Title: Re: Doll Stash
Post by: ChaosEmpire on May 22, 2005, 10:04:29 pm

i dislike you for this post, second you are totaly wrong..egg duping causes many trouble :P