Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => Game-Server => Topic started by: Relbieh8 on October 13, 2008, 08:43:15 pm

Title: Question
Post by: Relbieh8 on October 13, 2008, 08:43:15 pm
Ok I have a question, It might be a stupid one lol. In act 2, with the horodric staff, it says I need: me, with, the, others. are those ears? where do they drop...?
Title: Re: Question
Post by: Ramierez on October 14, 2008, 12:16:31 am
you need 5 words and the staff parts to cube the Horadrim Staff

The words are "cube", "me", "with", "the", "others"

"me" drops in the stonetomb (just out of town in a2)

"cube" drops from lazarus ind the Halls of the dead

"the" is dropped by a bossmonster in the far oases, whos english name i've forgotten :P

"with" is dropped by Fireeye (under the Palace, guards the entrance to horazon)

"others" is dropped by Kaa the soulless (or something like that in english) who is located in one of the 7 tombs)