Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => German Support => Topic started by: webwalker on July 10, 2006, 02:35:49 am

Title: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 10, 2006, 02:35:49 am
Labarynth bugs I know of are:

1: If you see monsters and take a TP to town and come back, the monsters are gone.  If the monsters include the Cow King, he's gone too, preventing completion of the mission.  Tested in NM with a skelliemancer.  I took TPs to try to get my mob back in one spot.  The Cow King disappeared.

2: The labrynth itself is a bug in the game (try it with a skelliemancer).

The cure for these bugs is to have the "use this to open the way to hell" portal into the cow level rather than the labrynth, you must still find and kill the King.
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: MaxTrasher on July 10, 2006, 07:54:28 am
1: If you see monsters and take a TP to town and come back, the monsters are gone.  If the monsters include the Cow King, he's gone too, preventing completion of the mission.  Tested in NM with a skelliemancer.  I took TPs to try to get my mob back in one spot.  The Cow King disappeared.

If possible use an item with teleport. Maybe an ammy or these rw - enigma ...
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 10, 2006, 09:44:56 pm
If possible use an item with teleport. Maybe an ammy or these rw - enigma ...

Hmmm... This addresses the symptom, but does not cure the problem.
Problem is: Maze-type places are intrisically inimical (tatsächlich feindlich?) to summoners with (incurably) stoopid minions.
Problem is: Monsters are not "saved" when you take a TP out of The Maze, and are not "restored" when you return.

Another problem (somebody, please, find a bug more stoopid than this; meaning, a bug that requires a more stoopid user to stumble into it): Pick up a GubbelGubbel, try to put it in your belt (yes I know it could never fit!) and BLONK! the "Critical stop" sound plays with Win98SE.  Game is hung! I did NOT stumble into this bug myself!  Honest!  I'm not that dumb!

Request: Please make GubbelGubbels "normal" not "only one in your inventory/stash/cube at a time" so we can mule these precious things from Hell/CGS, where we obtain them, to Normal/PoC where our mules live.

Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 10, 2006, 10:12:31 pm
hmm i didnt underrstand why you cant mule your GubbelGubbel, it should be normally moveable (place on ground, or in multi stash (sp)
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 10, 2006, 10:24:51 pm
Hmmm... You didn't understand, because I didn't explain, that I was thinking in terms of on-line play needing to be able to pick up all the GubbelGubbels to go from a CGS/Hell game to a Normal/PoC/Muling game... that's why. :grin:

(for SP, where I am, being able to pick up only one at a time is merely annoying, not a bug/feature needing correction).

While I was online, I never saw a GubbelGubbel and never knew what they were, because Diablo never walked when I had gear sufficient to kill him.
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 10, 2006, 10:37:18 pm
the issue with the belt and a fingerpciker needs a test, so i need to find one
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 13, 2006, 06:17:24 pm
I don't know if this is a Bug or a ARE YOU THAT STUPID self-check, but last night, I discovered that the CryptKing amulet, when used by a Paladin to raise skeletons, draws LIFE not MANA to create the skeletons, and that you can actually kill yourself raising skeletons! SUGGEST (if possible) that the check "Need more mana" apply (as a check for "need more life") so that direct suicide is not possible this way.

Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 13, 2006, 07:59:22 pm
is this set or unique?
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: Fenris on July 13, 2006, 08:30:03 pm

Level Required: 27
5 - 10 to Skeleton Mastery
3 - 5 to Raise Skeletal Mage
200% to Damage to Undead
1 to All Skills
6 - 8 Replenish Life
Regenerate Mana 25 - 50%
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 13, 2006, 10:33:57 pm
i cant see a fault in itemtables, so if there is such an issue, it seems to be a combination of pala and nec skills
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 19, 2006, 07:50:06 am
Another bug? Tried twice and failed both times: 5 rare jewels and a doll to convert an item into a set item.
The doll & jewels disappeared, the colossus girdle became a new magic item, not a set nor rare with triple durability.
Single player (hosting a TCP game at home), in Hell/CGS both in Roges Camp and Cemetary.
Is this a new change?
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: DrowElf on July 19, 2006, 07:57:58 am
Which itemlevel had your colossus girdle?

Eventually the itemlevel is to low to become one of the set items of this type?
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 19, 2006, 08:19:20 am
also set items onvert into rares with double durability, uniques will get triple
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: Phoenix on July 19, 2006, 08:49:08 am
No. Setitems convert into Magic Items with double durability.
The problem occurs with all "Über"- base items. I think there exist two base-classes of these items.
Brian try a new colossus belt to cube your set.
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: T1001 on July 19, 2006, 09:56:37 am
that happens very often to me, and i have almost an ilvl 99. i think at a recent percentage this happens. so next item, next try.
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: Fingerpicker on July 19, 2006, 01:30:20 pm
I cubed the same way with a collosus girdle from lr dungeon and got Path of Bravery Girdle with my second try.

Was it just luck?
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: T1001 on July 19, 2006, 02:35:16 pm
yes it is luck, but the gridle of kitinx or whatever the name is, has a much higher chance than imp imho
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 29, 2006, 04:26:16 pm
The Stash in act 3 has a position problem(?) Sometimes it simply will not open no matter how many times I approach and click.
Perhaps it could move to some open, easy to access area?
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: ChaosEmpire on July 29, 2006, 04:38:52 pm
it already is in an open area...travincal
Title: Re: Bugs/Fixes for 7.66 SP4
Post by: webwalker on July 30, 2006, 06:27:05 pm
it already is in an open area...travincal
This is I believe a deliberate misunderstanding. I hope you're teasing, and that this is not the end of the matter.