Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => Game-Server => Topic started by: Chaos-Knights on October 25, 2004, 06:40:16 pm

Title: Hi folks !!
Post by: Chaos-Knights on October 25, 2004, 06:40:16 pm
hi peeps..

if u know me .. i will never give up

its about that the patch did not work here and everything is f*cked but .. ill be back tonight i hope caus i deleeted diablo lod from my pc .. but i lost my install cd .. from dia2 :( :wallbash:  :wallbash:   but my friend comes tonight and he gives me the cd so .. i hope ill be back tonight .. caus i waited to long  :clap:  :clap:   and thats hard caus this game is the Best  :thumbup:  :thumbup:

so .. i thought i let u know :D
(realm: Jen world ) :P

thnx for watching

lotsa greetz

all u guy's who made this mod : thnx allot for this great game .. u made from a boring dia2 lod a attractive game !!!
Title: Hi folks !!
Post by: Jen on October 25, 2004, 11:30:06 pm
when it's failed again, tell me the exact time/date when you connect to jenworld... so i can look in the logs!