Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Darkkatgirl on April 08, 2006, 05:14:09 pm
This topic is an attempt to help get the players opinions out there to the game mod developers. Also just to know what people really like about the mod ^.^
Basically just post what your favorite thing about the mod and why. Then post what you your least favorite thing or what bugs you most about the mod and why.
My favorite things about the mod would have to be the new monsters, new gambling system and the CCC.
The new monsters are a breath of fresh air to the game, keeping you on your toes by not making the game as repeatitive. The new gambling system combined with the cube combo's make it easier to get items that you want but not too easy. Just the right balance. The CCC is a better alternative to bnet imho. The players are alot nicer and you dont have to worry about some 10 year old jerk trying to pk you while you trying to have a good time.
Least favorite things without a doubt would have to be the new "One Time, too bad so sad" quests that were added.
At the core the quests are fun but its not fun when you lose the quest due to either a "Connection Lost" or a bug that prevents you from getting the rewards from all the hard work you have to do to complete the quest.
A close second would be all the Anti-rush not working as intended and keeping the ones who finished quests from using players portals who also finished quests.
My most favourite thing about the mod would be, since there are a few im very fond off.
All the new items and RW's. (wish there were even more, but that might only be because im a item collector and or itemwhore.. hehe :))
All the new monsters, especially that they are Diablo monsters. I've played mods with monsters from BG(Baldurs gate) etc etc etc. Thats somewhat a bad mixin my opinion. so im glad the creators kept it mainly and strictly D-mode.
The worst parts in my opinion would be the cow maze.. well thats not a breath of fresh air, tho more like a breath of bad time consumeing air.. as its not even fun to go through, tho perhaps with harder monsters and a map it woul be somewhat kewl. but thats to be desired :)
The 2nd worst would be... this isent about the mod but a gerneral unsatisfactory bit, the damn 8kb max.. wish someone would crack that devil :D
Besides i have only the warmest GJ to the creators.. keep it up ;)
And i'll post some more cash into your project, once im the owner of some. hehe.. Comes and goes so fast dont they ? :)
Indeed Kodos to CE and all others who helped make the mod, just remember to all the readers that this is a Positive post intended on helping the developers make a better chaos empire.
Also The cow maze was a good idea, fun having a map with no minimap. Was just too big :-p. But it was kinda like being in a hedge maze ^.^
I´m pretty sure that some of the monsters in the dungeon are from baldurs gate 2.
I know the tristram dragon is a bg II enemy
the orcs surely are not diablo
1)What I like the most is CCC the people that play are friendly and play fair (thats the most important 4 me)
2)Im an addict so Ill play whatever is offered, which CE and whomever his assistant(s) is have done a GREAT JOB building this MOD.
LEAST: what DarkKatGirl said .... no doubt about it
Last is when I play with $%$%* (my d2 friend) and he picks up all goodies ie eggs and stuff
little story: my druid in a3 was dying a terrible death over and over right after killing the Dark Wonder, 2
players found there way to my location took all the eggs and only left my body and 1 pot .... so sad thank god my body could not be looted by Sanford and Son
@ CE
You can't post and run :-p You have to at least let us know what turned out the best in your mod and what you wish you could have put in it but couldn't.
heh yea i know some of them are not D monsters, but that's why i said "Mainly" because, i've tried mods with only monsters from BG2 etc etc. and that was just a bit out of the d universe in my opinion.
Ofcourse some or a few is okay, but once you start to fill one universe with another it can quickly go wrong, if you catch my drift :)
So no Spongebob Squarepants looking lava maws in the dungeon then? =^.^=
hehe nope, and no tom and jerry lookalike Baal and Diablo neither ;) Even tho that could be somewhat funny.
Image your worst nightmare, and ask CE to implament it.
Or just play the Mod as is.
Grump old man
@ bdpf We were joking, its kinda easy to see..
But i do know now that your not called grumpy old man for nothing... hehe ;)
Scariest monster?
Mom? The Momster could send me to the corner (rogues camp) until I say I'm sorry.
Tax Collector? Carries a Vorpal Pencil, able to draw the bottom line (cross it and you're totaled!)
Mad Motorcylcists? Run over everything, jumping obsticles, showing off their turn & one-wheel abilities and, occasionally, running over US.
PETA activists? (look at all the poor helpless monsters we're killing!)
ACLU attorneys? (look at all those poor helpless monsters whose civil rights we're violating)
I dunno, I still hate Lava Maws, and Hork Spawn, and stair-traps, and IM.
€Chaos OK, before Kat screams again, I comment inline :P
Lava Maws have really be lowered in 7.66, so they are really much easier to kill
HorkSpawn...hee whats wrong with this little "frogs"...dont give them so much pepper, and their breath will be ok...
Edit Webwalker: Yes, Lava Maws are less of a pain than before, and Hork Spawn... they need breath mints like Mr. Freaking Big Lizard Himself. I've gotten scared a few times by them (and dead a few times too, but, not to complain). IM, on the other hand, rendered the melee character a dead-end. Stair-traps do that to everybody, but with less certainty than IM. If IM were replaced by Cloak of Shadows, then there would still be worry, and ranged fighters/spell casters would be more strongly limited, but melee chars would not be suicidal.
Iron Maiden is why I NEVER play a melee in HC. That and melee tend to die more in HC for some odd reason (excluding IM deaths).
I would love to see more cow jokes in the game tho, like maybe a Cow headed hydra in Moo Moo Farm or maybe the player turns into a cow if they wear cow set.
Nightmare cow would have to be if CE put that cow from Kung Pow: Enter The Fist in the game or maybe that killer rabbit from Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail.
Lava maws seem to be hard to hit with ranged attacks and they "lava" does too much damage for its "cover half the screen and home in on the player". That is why I enjoy confuse on them or Mind blast. Fun watching them nuke eachother ^.^
Silly Cow Jokes?
Like, Andariel has changed all the NPC's in the Rogues' Camp into cows, so they all look alike, and they have a wander range equal to the whole camp so you don't know which cow is Akara and which is Gheed, and which is really a cow, until you go click on them...
If the non-NPC cows could become clickable objects, then if you click the wrong one, the wrong one just says "Moo? Moomoo Moo! Moo! Moo!"
Switch the NPC's back when Andariel is killed.
IM should be re-named IB (Iron *itch) cause it ain't no tender smiling maiden!
(edit: DarkKatGirl: Now you look like me, and I look like you (except for the hair color and clothing style...) want to trade bodies back? Cross-Dressing has gone too far!)
Since COWS are a sub-topic here, let me add:
replace the skellies with cows for the Necro to summons.
IM should be a LIMITED a great deal ( not so many casters ... only 1)
Actually the cows should say what they did in d1 "Yep, thats a cow alright" when you click on a non-townsfold moo moo
IM casting is fine... i dont like how every mob can mana burn you in 1 hit without the "mana burn" tag. I would love to be able to use the old curse that baal and witches used to do, the one that replaces mana useage with life usage (ie If you cast a spell for 20 mana it instead takes 20 life). It would be fun to cast on guys like Baal and Steel Lords who wouldnt know how to melee if they tried.
Another fun thing would be items that grant player (or merc) when equipped a true immunity like those unbreakable mobs. Granted it would have to be from a set (full set bonus reward) to keep from abusing but would be fun to have "fire immune" or "poison immune" over a player.