Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: tathra464 on March 27, 2006, 03:00:12 am

Title: Way out of hell
Post by: tathra464 on March 27, 2006, 03:00:12 am
Ok I beat Baal, and he dropped "way out of hell", but i couldn't pick it up (I.m in SP with a merc) , Then i read you have to be "ALONE" ok so i assume that means without my Merc. So off i go all by myself to the Swampy pit, and finally (after a long long time) beat Damien. and he drops the "Way out of hell" and it still wont allow me to pick it up.

Is there some nifty secret handshake or anything i need to do here ?

Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: webwalker on March 27, 2006, 03:11:58 am
This would be easiest to understand if there had been a ladder-reset with this new quest.  Then you couldn't have completed the Cain quest before zapping Baal & Damien.  They're dropping "the way out of hell" but you can't pick it up because you've freed Cain and gotten the reward for doing so from Akara, which makes picking up the pieces impossible.  This is the same as killing Duriel, freeing Tyrael, then trying to pick up the Horadric Ammy.

Build up a new character. 

"Alone" means nobody else in the party because only one "way out of hell" will drop, and everybody needs their own!
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: tathra464 on March 27, 2006, 03:20:04 am
Er i'm playing in Single Player ? No Lader Reset here

Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: Darkkatgirl on March 27, 2006, 08:28:01 am
If you only played on SP how did he finish the "Final" reward quest?  Did you use cheat portal charm to do that?  If so then you dont need "way out of hell"  unless you like mazes....

Honestly why is that charm called "Way out of hell" im not in Act IV when I use it :-p should be called "Way into Hell" with the way the darn maze is set up hehe.
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: tathra464 on March 27, 2006, 09:36:14 am
Right i'm officially confused, Is there a proper FAQ for this mod ? or am i wasting my time playing SP mode, and should only play online (not a great idea from outback Australia)

I take it the Labrynth etc is only available online ?


Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: DrowElf on March 27, 2006, 09:59:49 am
No, the labyrinth is available in Singleplayer, too.

You can find informations about the labyrinth in the FAQ Informations about changed Quests.

And more FAQs you will find on the mainpage under DIABLO II MOD and then Frequently Asked Question.
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: ChaosEmpire on March 27, 2006, 10:21:25 am
also i remember that, if we find someone with a machine..we will make an australian realm...we only need a backendserver on your side
probably a 24hour up machine at home...
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: bdpf on March 27, 2006, 01:55:29 pm
Wish I had a computer in austraila to help Joe.
I just check out my browser to see if I still get an error msg when making a new post to forum.
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: tathra464 on March 28, 2006, 04:03:42 am
A little lost. It says in the FAQ, "After freeing Cain, don't visit Akara".

What freeing Cain ?

he's already in town when you start the game ?
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: Darkkatgirl on March 28, 2006, 04:38:34 am
When you go to tristram, do not talk to akara in tristram or akara in rogue camp.  Also I had a bug where if I went to Rogue Camp that I could not get final reward. 

So dont go there till you kill everything in Tristram!

Other than that good luck and dont kill the dragons near a wall or you wont get the drops!!!
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: tathra464 on March 28, 2006, 11:41:04 am
Didn't even see tristrim, bit i did find the answer to the problem. I must have downloaded Ce at SP2 just b4 SP3. i downloaded the update pack, and no more Cain at startup. Ah Ah. so off i start again, with an uptodate version.

Thanks all.

I'm still not sure what i'm doing, but hey. its fun.
Title: Re: Way out of hell
Post by: Olfmo on March 28, 2006, 02:55:16 pm
i don't know exactly in which version cain is in town... but we are talking about the diablo 1 tristram, which you can visit for the new quest

but you gotta kill baal in that difficulty first, so just forget about cain right now, and also about act1 quest3