Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: dark_gail on March 04, 2006, 06:05:57 pm

Title: What is good starting charictor
Post by: dark_gail on March 04, 2006, 06:05:57 pm
Can anyone tell me two things why cant i creat a game and what is a good starting char

TY and have a good day
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: der7tezwerg on March 04, 2006, 06:41:19 pm
Good starting Characters are:
- Necromancer with Venom-Nova & skelletons
- Assassine with Traps
- Amazone with lighning fury

All of those have good damage output without "elite stuff".

About the "create game issue":
Are you singleplayer or on the realm? Do you downloaded service pack 3? Which message do you get when you try to create a game?
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: Olfmo on March 07, 2006, 05:39:40 pm
if you are playing on the realm i assume you didn't download sp3
also if you want to keep your realm account please create an inhabitant post as soon as possible

if you are playing sp you gotta tell us more specifics, what happens if you wanna create a game?

also i will move this thread into international support
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: dareczek on March 14, 2006, 07:43:53 pm
Necromancer with venom nova and skeletons? Weird choice, I'd say... Once I did necro and lvled up venom nova to 30 and... it was dealing almost no damage to monsters (on higher difficulties). I'd rather recommend barb trained with two-weapon fighting or druid with bear-shape shifting. These two are real slayers :D
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: Phoenix on March 14, 2006, 08:03:57 pm
Poisonnova is one of the strongest skills in this Mod.
Did you max Poisondagger and Poison-Explosion too?
You can increase the Poisondamage easily with Trang Oul's Gloves (+50%) and a Bramble Armor (+50%). Furthermore you can increase the damage with Imperial boots (up to -100% Enemy Poisonresist) and the curse "Lower Resist". You should equip your Charakter with many +Skill-Items (p.e. RW "Bone" in Nec-shield, RW Blood in Belt, RW Sirens Call in a +2 Necro circlet, HotO in a crafted flail).
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: dareczek on March 15, 2006, 02:39:55 pm
Does Lower Resist affect poison damage? I thought it affects only elementals (fire, lighting, cold)..?
PS.Does it affect magic damage too?
Title: Re: What is good starting charictor
Post by: webwalker on March 15, 2006, 03:11:32 pm
You have Lower Resists and Conviction reversed.  Go to Chaos Sanctuary, ask one of the OKs to put Lower Resists on you (champagne bubbles over your head), check your resists... they've ALL gone down.

Neither Conviction nor Lower Resists affects magic damage.