Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: Bubonous on February 14, 2006, 05:11:15 pm

Title: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: Bubonous on February 14, 2006, 05:11:15 pm
I've been making my way down into the dungeon.  I'm playing a psychic hammer assassin, which is supposed to be powerful, yet it is taking  an hour or more per level (not doing full clears).  I'm not finding it hard (with this character) as long as I'm careful, just very tedious because the levels are so huge and the monsters plentiful and durable.  Any tips to speed it up?  Try a different character maybe?

Also, is it worth it to stop at the "Nasty Places" along the way to try to find soulstones?  Or should I just head straight for the bottom?
Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: Kano on February 14, 2006, 05:16:16 pm
Chaos has just changed the drop rates, so you can pretty much empty the entire dungeon... 100 times in a row, and you won't find a single SS or Ueber anymore.

Don't ask me why this change was made.
Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: Bubonous on February 14, 2006, 05:53:15 pm
That's good to know.  The only reason for me to go through all of this now is to kill Ancient Diablo and get The Black Tower Key.

Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: webwalker on February 14, 2006, 06:38:51 pm
I agree it's a long way down, and Chaos won't put in an elevator.

The Nasty Places are good for finding items.  The Ubergotts and SoulStones aren't as pleantiful before, but, they were SO pleantiful before that people were giving them away.  The Mod got significantly harder, making ladder-climbing a bigger accomplishment, and soul-stone ownership a significant feat.

Along with Psychic Hammer, you should max out cloak of shadows and mindblast.  Mindblast breaks up the wall of enemies into a boiling riot, then you can kill at leisure.  Also, that's only 90 points.  I build up Death Sentry and synergies as well, allowing me to shower the enemy with magic, physical, lightning, and fire damage.

However, the best thing to use is team-mates.  Add one team-mate to your adventure, and the monsters go from "players 13" to "players 14" (which isn't a big change) while you two double in power, which is an enormous change.
Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: bdpf on February 15, 2006, 02:06:44 am

Do eat a harty brackfast, pack a large lunch and supper. Put on your iron underwear.
Run fast and hit hard. Bring a lot of telaport scrolls.

Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: hamil on February 15, 2006, 02:37:58 am
brian i agree with u

teamplay is what we want here
and not everybody on his own

and then play fair legit and in party so it will be much more fun
Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: Bubonous on February 15, 2006, 03:56:23 am
It certainly would be nice to have other players to tank for me (or me tank for them), contribute to kills, supply auras, and help find the stairs.  Unfortunately party play is not a realistic option for me.  My connection is too poor (ping ~400 to this site) and unstable and my computer is not high end.  During battles my fps regularly drops to 8 and I've seen it as low as 4.  Single player offline is where I will stay for the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: bdpf on February 16, 2006, 02:02:37 am
@Steve Brammer

Yep! Thats why I'm stuck for now with single play.
I've only done the levels of hell twice#$@%&&!#@
Takes a lond time to do it right, kill all...
Just rember to use those telaport scrolls and drink plenty of coffee or such.
Keep ur powder dry.

Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: waflob on February 17, 2006, 04:48:40 pm
Is the black tower key the only item needed ? I also got izual's spleen, mephisto's jawbone and duriel's brain. Are these just standard body parts ? or something special ?

Lastly, there's a portal near damien that I can't enter. Is this 'reserved for future use' ? Damien is the only one I didn't kill - I just parked him somewhere - couldn't make a dent in him, even though the others were difficult, but doable. If the portal is there to betaken, how is it activated ?

thanks in advance

Title: Re: the dungeon -- a long, long way down
Post by: webwalker on February 17, 2006, 08:24:29 pm
quote]I also got izual's spleen, mephisto's jawbone and duriel's brain. Are these just standard body parts ? or something special ?[/quote]
They're just normal parts.

The other questions I'll have to leave for somebody who knows... and that isn't me...