Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod
Computer-Games => International Support => Topic started by: MrBad151 on December 14, 2005, 06:17:08 am
I saw on Phrozen Keep board they are having a contest for the best new skill. So that got me to thinking what new skills would I want for various characters.
Bow/crossbow- Slow Shot: This ability would be the opposite of slow missles, instead of slowing enemy missles, it slows your own arrows. This ability would fire a single arrow but at a reduced speed of trave(with damage bonus similiar to guided arrow)l. The idea behind this ability is to allow a bowazon to fire a wave of slow arrows then follow behind them, then as the monsters rush in running into the slow arrows you fire off your Multi arrow/strafe.
Slow arrows wouldn't have a hit delay, and could hit a single target multiple times. As long as the Arrow grafic was touching the monster it would continue to score hits against that monster until a pierce check was failed or the arrow no longer was touching the monster. So the slower the arrow the more times you could hit a single monster.
This skill would be devistating against frozen monsters or monsters that are standing still engaged in combat with a Val or merc.
Passive/magic- Endless quiver: This skill would allow a Amazon to replenish her arrows or Javalins. An Amazon would spend say 3 mana per arrow or 5 mana per javalin that she replenshed. Since money is no object in this mod, having to return to town to replenish javalins in nothing more than a pain in the arse and a waste of time... as for arrows I personall have 5 pages filled with rare arrows and usually find more before I've used all the arrows in a quiver.
Javalin/spear- Power Throw: Same as slow shot but for javalins. It would be nice to have a way to tap mana and many of the Javalins abilities are expensive mana wise and Javalin abilities return very little mana per throw.
Warcries- Spirit Call: This ability would give the barbarian a chance to get rid of a curse. Say 10% to start then scaling up. Its really annoying to get certain curses on you and have little to no way to get rid of them other than returning to town or just waiting them out. Neither of which help if you are immediately cursed again. Considering curses in Hell can last several minutes, I often find myself standing around waiting for Amp or Iron maden to wear off.
Combat Masteries- Iron skin: I would change this to Damage reduction rather than defense increase. starting at 5% then scale up to 50%.
That's it for now.. I welcome any comments or other ideas.. or if I just didn't explain something very well let me know. I'm still working on other skill idea for everyone else (except for druid, I've never played one)
When you find arrows that give you the best dmg / life & mana lech, just sell them to a non-repair camp person, (Sell to the healer) and by back a full quiver. I was reminded of this here on the forum. So you don't need to keep pages of arrows, just the very best. ???
In other words it anit broke, don't fix it. Sorry, I just had to throw that in. <grin>
What would be nice is na other class or mercs more responsive to thier equipped stuff.
Yes CE I kown this is very hard to do or impossilbr at the present time.
A fella can dream thopugh. :3some: :'( :angel1: :angel12: :P :1eye: :angel4: :beta: :blob7:
Again selling the arrows and buying them back requires a trip to town. The difference in the arrows isn't enough that it really matters. I do have one set, a high damage with monsters flee that I do refill for really tough areas (I.E. lvl 2 of the Temple of the snakes).
Being able to replenish your arrows/javalins with an ability is really just a convience/time saver but its still one I'd be willing to put a skill point into.
Since I'm stuck in SP for the moment, I don't feel there is a prblem.
When I was on-line with Diablo II LOD on B-Net, getting arrows, was just part of the game. ??? We did not have magic arrows, if I remember correctly. You picked up arrows as you went along. It was the pots you ran out of. <SMILE>
The full rejuvs....he he he