Chaos Empire D2 + LOD Mod

Daily Chaos => Neuigkeiten => Topic started by: ChaosEmpire on April 27, 2006, 12:07:12 am

Title: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 27, 2006, 12:07:12 am
Hi All,

cause of all the trouble on realm, I decided to make a minor update, with a port change, so everybody MUST change version

Hopefully this will decrease the lag issues.

Also it will be very very important, if you encounter server crashes, or lags, that you post
- Server Number
- Time
- Your chartype
- Your last used skill
- Your position in game

I hope that we will find in any crashes one things, which is always the same!
This will only work, if everybody leaves a message in Game Server Board

So, it is in your interest, to post details, or I will ignore in future all your negative posts about servers
You want a good environment, I need your help!

Features 7.66 SP3
- Game-Port change to 4001 (you can't join online games, without updating, check your firewall)
- Corpsefire does not drop any longer Your first friend in LR and CgS difficulty
- Reduced map size in Cave 1 for LR and CgS
- Bloodraven has been moved
- Rakanishu has been moved
- Graveyard is now a 8 player mule area
- Stash removed of Act 1 town
- Moved some Quest Items to other places
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: DrowElf on April 27, 2006, 12:15:46 am

wegen den momentanen Problemen auf dem Server, hat Chaos entschieden ein kleines Update, mit einer Portänderung, zu bringen. Damit muss jeder die neue Version verwenden.

Dies wird hoffentlich das Problem der Lags verkleinern.

Wichtig ist immer noch, wenn ihr Serverabstürze oder Lags habt, daß ihr die folgenden Daten postet:
- Servernummer
- Zeit
- welcher Chartypen
- der zuletzt benutzten Skill
- die Position im Spiel

Er hofft damit wiederkehrende Gründe für Abstürze zu finden!
Das wird aber nur funktionieren, wenn jeder eine Nachricht von solchen Vorfällen im Game Server Bereich hinterlässt.

Es ist also in eurem Interesse, diese Details zu liefern oder er wird zukünftig negative Aussagen über Server ignorieren
Ihr wollt ein gutes Umfeld und er braucht dazu eure Hilfe!

Features 7.66 SP3
- Game-Port ändert sich auf 4001 (ihr könnt keine Spiele betreten ohne den Port zu ändern - prüft eure Firewall)
- Totenfeuer dropt in Lets Rock (LR) und Come get Some (CgS) keine Teddys mehr
- Verkleinerte Kartengröße in Höhle 1 für LR and CgS
- Blutrabe ist umgezogen
- Rakanishu ist umgezogen
- Der Friedhof ist jetzt ein 8 Spieler Mule Bereich (alle Items dort sind nicht frei)
- Kiste aus dem Jägerinnenlager entfernt
- Einige Questteile wurden an andere Stellen versetzt
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: Athom on April 27, 2006, 01:29:07 pm
Danke DrowElf für deine Übersetzung.
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 27, 2006, 01:35:07 pm
ich sag nicht wieso er das getan hat
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: wowa1122 on April 28, 2006, 01:29:05 pm
Hab ma ne kurze frage wo die Wöter von act3 sind hba 1 davon im Dunkelwald gefunden wo vorher wirtts bein war und die adneren 3 sind die immer noch da wo die imer sind`??
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 28, 2006, 02:06:48 pm
eins ist noch in akt2
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: Kirodema on April 30, 2006, 11:36:18 pm
also ich denk mal das soll man hier posten wenn irgendwo was nicht passt :

- Servernummer --- 6
- Zeit --- 23:30
- welcher Chartypen --- Amazone (in Akt2) und eine Zauberin (in Akt1)
- der zuletzt benutzten Skill --- von mir war es einfach nur Werfen und vor dem Werfen lvl 30 Zähne von Waffe
- die Position im Spiel --- Akt2 Kanalisation bei Radament ... wäre fast draufgegangen bei dem lag
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 30, 2006, 11:42:32 pm
bitte in den game server lag thread, und dazu schreiben um waas es geht.ich mutmasse mal lagmeldung

Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: Kirodema on April 30, 2006, 11:51:29 pm
bin blind oda find ihn nich ... könntest bitte nen link posten ?
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on April 30, 2006, 11:52:53 pm,com_smf/Itemid,61/topic,1572.0
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: Kirodema on April 30, 2006, 11:58:45 pm
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: T1001 on May 03, 2006, 11:31:43 pm
also leider muss ich schon wieder meckern aber ich hab grad nen tierrischen dicken hals.


ich hab neulich versucht nen nec schild zu cuben. beim ersten versuch alles top

dann kam ja sp3 und damit die erwünschte änderung mit den sockeln.

also brauchte ich nen neuen schild, das ding kann 1,2 oder 3 skills haben und diesmal hab ich für nen 3er satte 13 cubeversuche gebraucht, aber gut.

nur was mich jetzt total nervt, 8 gems in cube und immer noch 2 sockel??? also dafür waren es die 200 diamanten ned wert?

ist das doch ned drin in sp3 oder was is los?
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on May 04, 2006, 12:32:48 am
an wievielen stellen steht jetzt ein und das selbe post?
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: T1001 on May 04, 2006, 12:37:06 am
nur hier und da, wo du schon geantwortet hast, weil der hier zuerst war und dann hab ich durch zufall als ich auf show unread geklickt hab, den anderen fred im game server gesehen^^

das menü hat sich schon gelohnt :-)
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: fragipani on May 07, 2006, 03:18:11 am
mmmm I kinda hate it that when I make something in my cube and then close it it takes me right out of my stash altogether and my assassin is so slow now:(( Im all about speed um and the money I had money money money before and even though I have that much money I didnt need anymore I still liked it like so um is there anyway I can change back without loosing everything I already have??IO spend that much time fussing around in my6 case making things pretty that it really does matter to me about the stash and I loved the stash being in act 1.
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: webwalker on May 07, 2006, 03:42:47 am
If you play online, closing the cube doesn't close the stash also.
SSLLOOWW speed play was in 7.66SP1 only.

Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: fragipani on May 07, 2006, 09:37:28 am
please help me I can't seem to download um version 7.65 I mean I go there and I can see it but like I cant find where to download it , Im suffering :(( sorry to always whinge moan and complain Im just working stuff out but if you have anywhere I can go to download version 7.65 I can carry on.
Postet at: May 07, 2006, 09:18:37 am
omg Im such a dip please delete that post gaaaaad i like um found where to get the version from I like had to be logged in and that to do it and I play offline with my sister like we lan I dont play online, I so dont have the confidence for that every one sounds like really awesome and that and I dont want to be shamed ,its fun on lan with my sister we rawk together though and thanks also okiez but it did feel like my assassin was way slower she wasnt the same feeling I am a speed whore like fully love it when she is fast cheers
Postet at: May 07, 2006, 09:29:13 am
7.65 wont exe I UGH when does it end I just wanna play 7.65 and it will not let me even open it it just goes preset up sits there and then dissapears nothing nothing nothing where is it what can I do AHHHHH wish I had never updated loved it before it was great:((
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on May 07, 2006, 11:18:43 am
I assume you play SP

On realm the bug with the stash/cube issue has already ben fixed, the issue are the many stashes on the gravey in act1

If Sp needs urgently this fix, I will remake SP3, with the fixed map for graveyard
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: fragipani on May 08, 2006, 01:15:06 am
oh does SP mean solo player um I play solo and with my sister on lan yeh I had a little play online last night but its kinda laggy ,its not my connection because I have an alright connection so I dont know um cheers
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: clieca12 on May 30, 2006, 05:08:22 pm
Can some one plz send me empire chaos i try to download 7.66v and after i downloaded it the zip file wouldnt open so some one help me out and send it to (^_^) thanks
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: webwalker on May 30, 2006, 05:16:21 pm
I have had similar trouble.

Solution: Download and install 7.65 (that worked)
then download and install 7.65sp3 update which brings you up-to-date.
and I'm playing on-realm inspite of not being able to open the 7.66SP3 zip file.
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on May 30, 2006, 07:05:23 pm works fine
or if you own a hex can delete some bytes from file end :P

@brian..i missed some parts i have had in my brain
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: webwalker on May 30, 2006, 07:22:44 pm
Clicking your "works fine" link gives me a 404 (file not found) error.

and I don't have a hex editor on my windows box.
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: clieca12 on May 31, 2006, 04:59:39 am
Man this sucks i downloaded v7.65 also when i try to open zip filed it says The Compressed (zipped) folder is invailed or corrupted its doing it to all the folders i download they will not open can some one help me out?
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: T1001 on May 31, 2006, 10:34:31 am
i have the same problem, when i tried to download the easter event file two days ago, also corrupt.
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: ChaosEmpire on May 31, 2006, 09:37:02 pm
also the easter event file...
never saw issues with smlal files..
i dont know whats wrong...
Postet at: May 31, 2006, 08:26:45 pm
ok...temporarily new download section..working without issues
click download on top...
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: T1001 on May 31, 2006, 10:25:25 pm
when i try it first i see many error on the hp with the comment incorrect filesize

than the easter file has only 295kp and when i unpack it it is an file with no ending, so no programm can handle it or something else...
Title: Re: Chaos Empire MOD 7.66 SP3 update released
Post by: DrowElf on May 31, 2006, 10:46:07 pm
I have downloaded the from there and for me it works fine.

At the moment i try the download of the fullversion 7.66 for testing purposes.

Download successfully, archive unzipped and exe starts to installation process.