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The tavern of Geglash

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Ah Joe your words touch my hart.
I'll sweep out the spiders latter after closing.
Dragon chips with strong horseradish sounds good. Breath on the critters and watch them curl up dead.

As for the short tale, just a taste of the many volumes that need polishing.

From the home planets, to Free traders, slavers, Mover Families, Relay stations, frontier planets, RR planets, Family Planets and the long lifers that never seem to die, just fading away. Then you have all types of ships with different types of drives, crossing several quadrants under a year.

So Diablo Four would have an unknown number of planets, some terraformed or in need of terraforming with different challenges with a double handful of alien races to inter react with.

The Family [Family of the two escapees from the Cells) gets into space from Planet RR 453 by rebuilding old space ships, scrap and other things. The Family joins the Mover Families trading, moving cargo and opening up new planet for settlement, after repairing a few Mover space ships.

Space away from the human central words is a dangerous place. Did I mention pirates? Corrupt corporate heads dabbling in slavery for an extra boost to the bottom line. The continuing search for the Old One.

It all starts when Himself and Red escape from the Cells on Planet RR 453, a biological breeding station. Mouths latter, finding Dead Bear cabin and the birth of their first children, adds new characters. Who found the Family with their off spring, Himself spread it around.

Well Joe you read the old first volume, it has been edited some, would be the playable introduction, blending into the first act / level. I'm sure you noted where the story could be split for a different story....( Not written yet!)

Joe do you know of anyone that could help with dialog and polish the pros without changing the feel of their spoken words. Being old and short on years would offer a chance to a younger writer to continue with the seven or so volumes and the short stories.

Now Joe I have let the cat out of the bag and asked for help publicly.

Wait a tic. There take that you eight legged venous bug.  Boy did the legs curl up! Those dragon chips do pack a wallop with the horseradish.  :diablo:

It is not a story for the bashful as you know Joe. Need some strong coffee now, so I'll see ya latter.

bdpf,  :s513: Old Gummy, the generalist.   :wece:

dont know why the forum never showed this post as new to me...
better late than never :)

for the story will be hard for non native english speakers to express the feeling...that what maked it so hard for me to read :P

but maybe you like to ask for some "ideas" here in board, maybe someone has some good dont need to tell everything, to get some nice advices...



Drinks are on Joe!

He stopped by after over a year.   :diablo:

"Do we let him have milk and cookies or Beer?"

Hay Joe how is it going?

The devil made me do it.



Hello all :)  Its been a while, how goes the world of Chaos?


Things are slow here at the tavern.

Nobody seems to drink or smoke, anymore. :skull:

Have a drink of Joe and come back when ya can.

bdpf  :s513:


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