Computer-Games > International Support

The tavern of Geglash

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--- Quote from: ChaosEnergy on May 22, 2008, 01:59:46 pm ---Beer for all, and for free....butcher bring me some pizza slices

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I would be afraid of what kind of meat he would put on that   :spam1:

Sliced Barbarian - 5€
Sliced Amazon - 6€
Sliced Necro - free



--- Quote from: Griez on June 02, 2008, 10:43:03 pm ---Sliced Barbarian - 5€
Sliced Amazon - 6€
Sliced Necro - free


--- End quote ---

Amazons can be thinly sliced to preserve the delicate flavor.  Barbarians must be pounded and ground and tenderized.  You'll never see Assassin meat coming, and you'll only hear the *zot* sound as the sorceress meat leaves.

Sliced Necro is indeed free, and there's a reason for it.

Werewolf Wurst tastes fuzzy, and puree'd paladin comes in cans (I don't have an opener).

*hands bdpf my beer*
*pops another Mt Dew*

Thanks for the beer! Needed it!

Now for you others;
Quit trying to carve my guys up....My head zon will make a pin cushion out of ya. She cheats big time. Can't tell you how or Joe would be mad.
As for the sorc, just be careful when you attend the bar-b-que. They have been tempering swords lately and the foundry is hard pressed to keep them supplied. They like a warm body to finish the temper in. Then its onto the spit.
Have you taken out storm insurance?
How about reconstruction insurance?
My barbs run their own slice and dice deli. <<Grin>> Only two penny a pound for sliced monster. The sorces will smoke and cook it for ya, if you ask nice.
Ah, all most forgot the bone man. He runs the local glue factory. Profits are way up lately.
Of coarse all believe there is no fair way to fight and cheat all they can. Only monsters need to fear my guys.
Still using the old time improved weapons. <SMILE> No Joe I will not tell.
Of coarse my paleys want a few zip-spits.
I see no way for them to have them. They would shoot out the sides and back of the monitor. <Frown>

Himself and Demos are still working on the problem. (he he he)

Set up a round on me, its the first of the month.  :s513:


oerks..drunken joe (since 3 days...bdpf...this was a very big beer) still laughing about the thaugt that my sorc pizza slice teleports away when trying to eat..

also i dont know if the shadowmaster slice is the original or if im tapping into a trap
and those things on the assassin pizza...they are somewhat green..pepperoni..or poison?


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