Computer-Games > International Support

The tavern of Geglash

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Brain missed ya.

Having one for ya!

May the wed slinger walk free.  :s513:


TGIF!  (which means, usually "Thank Goodness It's Friday", but in this case means "THIS GUY IS FREE!")

...I still don't drink, unless it's like chocolate milk or MtDew...

or mana potions..... Has anybody noticed the Disco Aura is so common in LR/CgS that the train-horn sound of it might as well be Diablo's background music?  My Zon doesn't notice unless there is NOTHING to leach from, but my poor skelliemancer staggers from drinking so much "blueberry wine".

I can't imagine a skelliemancer getting through the maze (between baal and the cow level) because teleport (when last tested) doesn't even have range 0, it just doesn't work at all.  If it had range 0, then I could use range 0 teleport to bring my wandering army back under control.  So I'm always running a whack-a-mancer with a few summons still with me.

Then I got disconnected by a driver crash, do we get another "use this to open the way to hell" from Damien in Swampy Pit?

@webwalker & joe
Milk, malts, mana are good for ya! Health potions keep ya alive!
Sipping whiskey, beer and coffee, keeps the old guy alive and whacking!
Having the same old hard ware issues and have switched to Ubuntu 8.04, for main boot.
Now I'm trying to get  CRACKED(broken) windows setup for second OS boot.
Grub loader has been kicking my Butt.
Hope to have CE up and running, SP again, in Linux. <SMILE> Windows crapped up the old setup of hardware. (Messed up grub loader wit my help.)
Ah to have a printer that works, I could then print out the manual. HA HA !
Hope to be on line again, soon. Need to get an other prepaid credit card. (FROWN) I will not link PayPal to my regular cards. I have had issues in the past.

Have a MtDew form me, Webwalker, Joe we need to have a few more beers.
Snuffy aka; bdpf :s513:

Beer for all, and for free....butcher bring me some pizza slices

Thanks for the beer! Ran out last month, bottle almost empty. (Frown)
Tobacco good till next month. <Grin>
The beer sure hits the spot. GULP Gulp "AH!"
thanks, needed that.
Snuffy, aka; bdpf (spellcheck wants to change 'bdpf to bedpan!) Ha Ha!  :oops:
Hardware all mixed up!
CE can't find "Expansion cdrom" in the drive, in Ubuntu.
I have to return to original configuration. Darn! Grub loader still kicking my butt.


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