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The tavern of Geglash

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Lots of Pics and documentarys about 9.11 in german TV actually, i still remember that day well.
My Boss guided me to his living room in the afternoon, showed his big tv set with pictures from the burning towers from US tv.
He said something like "we become a war"
For that moment and the hours after i went home and watched tv news i couldnt believe what i saw.
It was like a science fiction film...
I never forget the pictures from poeple who are jumping out of the windows and decided to jump to death instead of burning...really terrible.
How do you think about that today?
Did Bush right?
What do you think about the causes for so much hate against the christian civilisation?

Be cause of good maners and a calmer mind I have deleted a tear dreched post about 9-11.
Sorry if I offended anyone.


and btw, email has been ok :P

I was upset about 9-11 and a few other things and made a post the was not in the best taste, so I deleted it 15 minuts latter. then I applogized in case someone saw it.
I realy don't want to offend anyone, I might tickle them a little, in fun but it's not right to be offensive.

In fact I've been up all night without any nappy time, just coffee and RYO's. (thats hand rolled cigerates, Joe) Grin
Working on third pot of coffee, strong & dark. As I said Monday bothered me, it still is.

I saw on a good esay on FreeBSD ( think I got it spelled right ) an OS simlar to Linux, on it's history & development.  It's free and has a continues upgrade patf the is suppose to be easy to use. It's mainly used for research, servers, lan routers & etc. It works on your older to new CPU's (i386 was mentioned) but I checked the Hardware requirements and it's good till the double core MB's that are coming out. Double core support is in the works.

Here is a link to it:

Read it if you are interisted in a new OS other than windows.

From my megger browsing of Linux articles, It would help to have some smattering of programong knowledge to setup any flavor of unix, Linux or freebsd. I also found good sources of help, books & on the web. The nices thing is, if you have a dsl / high speed internet connection, you can download most of the operating systems for free. These OS's take a slower cpu 386, 486 and let them preform up to near or better than 586 standards. Of coarse it still depnds on the mhz (speed) of the cpu. Linux OS requiers less, much less ram and hard drive space to run well.

Will I told you I was running on empty [no sleep] and I got way too chatty again.
I stop for now, need to wack & stack.

From the esay, this OS might be easier to keep up to date than a regular Linux kerrel as they have a designed upgrade path for their releases.

9-11 WAS a bad day for all. Not since Pearl Harbor have The USA been attacked. To do so set in motion a machine that would and could lay waste just about any country. If America is attacked again on US soil and it is for certain as to whom and what counrty did plan and gave the order, I am afraid to say that country will be layed to waste unlike Afgan and Iraq.  US interest, property, personnel have been destroyed and killed outside of the USA in other parts of the world and we do little in retalliation ... Until.

My question is WHY are the western countries so tolerate radical muslims in there countries, I do not think that even they understand that but sure are willing to push the envlope.  To do what they do in their country (mideast) is like asking Hey cut off my head will yea .... I also think middleastern (bad) muslims really think we are weak and deserve to die (other than not being muslim)

The hate I guess in large part had to do with the causades (spelling?) and that christians do not truly hold to their faith, Islamic leaders (being men with egos) want the power unanswered power, they are no different, they just go at it in a different way.  I have seen muslim men that are here in America for schooling and training and during there off time party it up and chase the girls but that hat comes right off when they go back.  If this killing by rad muslims and or attacks continues people may very well start demanding actions against muslims such as expulsion from host countries, refuse entry.  Anytime a group is allowed to set up base outside of their own area and has a agenda of action (counter to the good of society) you got real big bad problems brewing ..... thats happening all over ...... as they say Convert to Islam or die ..... what kind of religion is that??????? scary

what is happening in europe?


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