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The tavern of Geglash

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@forumcopdude... this is the off topic area for us lonely English speakers... Please stay off topic.  Got a silly joke?

@others: Columbine High School, Littleton Colorado... Harris and Klebold also had SSRI (selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitor anti-depressants), and *totally* negligent parents... so I wouldn't go blaming Rammstein any more than I'd blame Adidas for making the shoes they wore or Remington for the guns they used.

The notion that heavy metal (or guns) *causes* social degeneracy (as compared to attracting many types of people including social degenerates) fits in well with the habit of looking for a quick easy blame-target.

hi webwalker

cause of it is the off topic forum for non germans...
i try to delegate the non ot spam into correct fodlers :P

in my ukraine holidays back in 2000 or so they played rammstein - sonne ,too so its no wonder that its popular in america :D

yeah right the evil rammstein and marilyn manson told those kids to shoot around and kill people ....

i can't believe that there are people who actually think someone becomes a murderer just because of some words...

btw i think the whole marylin manson thing came up again when michael moore inteviewed him in his documentary "bowling for columbine"

btw i am just reading his books again and again my only fear isn't the evil terrorists that are waiting at every corner but the american government

when are your next elections? 2008? let's hope your folks will realize what the government is doing till then because if they don't i won't even imagine what they will do to our world if they get another 4 years...

@forumcop: it's just a regular offtopic discussion, if you wanted to move every topic related discussion out of our german tavern you would have to work all day just to keep track :P

There's truth to the bumpersticker I had on the back of my pick-up: "I love my country, it's the Government I'm scared of."

That said, I fear the US Government less than I'd fear the Irani gov't if I were an Irani, or the Saudi gov't if I were a Saudi, etc... because my penchant for free-thinking would get me dead in many places where it just gets me labeled "kook" here.


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