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Cube Recipes online

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und warum ist die section "CHAOSENERGY" ausgeblendet? *heul*  ständen bestimmt interessante rezepte drin.

aber was sind für dich baby  dolls ?

chaos enrgy istnur eien ueberchrift damit ich weiss wo meinkram anfaengt..

nice work scooby :)


socked -> socketed
Blunt -> Blunt Weapon

The "Chaos Energy" section is a bit misleading, it asserts "things you need" are what "you will get" and that isn't always true. (pssst: ^^)

The "unSocket" recipes assert that shields and armor get 5 or 6 sockets by the recipe given, but 5 is only sometimes true for special item types at high item levels, and 6 is never true.  The most critical detail information has never been put on the same page with the rest of this information: item type and ilvl limit the number of sockets an item can take, but this is *guesswork* while in the game.  Wish for PlugY/ChaosEnergy: after "item level" attach "how many sockets can this item get" in parenthesis so e.g. "DuskShroud" with ilvl 1 (was cracked, repaird in cube) will say "Item Level 1 (3)" indicating that it can get at most 3 sockets.

What does it mean to "repair" a charm (rare and magic have separate entries asserting the same recipe)

Upper Shell, Lower Shell, and Constricting Ring -> random doll recipe does NOT require a constricting ring.  I do this without a constricting ring all the time.

Amulet + Butcher does NOT produce a "morph to bloodraven" ammy, it produces a "morph to Butcher ammy".  BTDT: "Ahhhhh! FRESH MEAT!"  I suspect other morph recipes are skewed also.

"Some Armor + 3 hearts" -> "Any torso armor + 3 hearts"

Non-Magical (normal) head gear (cap -> Bone Visage) + gem (chipped amethyst -> perfect skull) could be compressed into a small table.

Ditto quilted armor -> Archon Plate

Ditto Buckler -> Blade Barrier



--- Quote from: webwalker on September 23, 2005, 11:04:16 pm ---
Upper Shell, Lower Shell, and Constricting Ring -> random doll recipe does NOT require a constricting ring. Â I do this without a constricting ring all the time.

--- End quote ---
it's a different recipe, seems to create a better dolls , no babydoll like chaos said


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