Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

It's done - Itemlist

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Ne die sind dar, aber auf grund einer kliztekleinen unordung auf meiner Festplatte hab ich Chaos erst ne gefixte und anschliesend ne fehlerhafte php-datei geschickt.

@Chaos, works as designed :P

mfg Scooby

Just made a casual glance through the RuneWords page: http://chaosempire.info/items/rune.php?code=weap#runewords

1: Starlight Lvl req: 10 All Weapons/All Armors/Shields       Zod + Hel + Ist + El 4 Socket
Zod is level 69, if this rune words is level 10 in fact then  I'M THRILLED DON'T FIX!

2: Fortune Lvl req: 3 All Weapons/All Armors/Shields     Fal + Io 2 Socket  Error mag%/lvl , 16 , 25 , 251 to All Skills
You can fix the cause of the "Error", and "level 3" is probably wrong.
3: Blood Lvl req: 9
That's probably level 67 because of the +2 skills...

4: Broken Promise  Lvl req: 8
There's probably a digit missing in front of the 8...

5: Prayer  Lvl req: 4

1: Starlight Lvl req: 10 All Weapons/All Armors/Shields       Zod + Hel + Ist + El 4 Socket
Zod is level 69, if this rune words is level 10 in fact then  I'M THRILLED DON'T FIX!

too late fix is just going out:)

2: Fortune Lvl req: 3 All Weapons/All Armors/Shields     Fal + Io 2 Socket  Error mag%/lvl , 16 , 25 , 251 to All Skills
You can fix the cause of the "Error", and "level 3" is probably wrong.

this is one of many coding bugs. I send chaos some more.

3: Blood Lvl req: 9
That's probably level 67 because of the +2 skills...

"Lvl req.: The real levelreq. for the RuneWord maybe heigher, if the item was upgraded or as the case may be."

The Lvl req. is only a sum of highest rune and the attribut levelreq. also only a approximate value.


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