Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
It's done - Itemlist
Hi All
I m proud to announce, that scoobyD has done the major work for the Itemlist
All 7.60d uniques, sets and runewords are online
Probably a little rune/gem value list will follow..
Look at: http://chaosempire.info there you will find the Itemlist as link, also have a look into the WiKI (and fill it with your information)
In Download section there is also a downloadable listing off those items (not so nice, like the online version, but easy to use with strg+f)
Probably, if scoobyD will do it, there will be also a listing of all cube recipes, but their need t be a way to make this listing, cause it will be a really long listing, which is not sortable...so I m thinking if there will be any effort for anyone...
THANKS scoobyD!!!
I wish I would be able to do such work
@ There is one known error with the Hellfire Torch, the name is missing and it will be shown: ERROR instead
If you find any errors, or have suggestions to improve the site, drop me some lines
Ein ganz dickes DANKESCHÖN für diese wunderbaren Listen
mfg ThePaPsT
--- Quote from: ThePaPsT on August 19, 2005, 09:44:30 pm ---Ein ganz dickes DANKESCHÖN für diese wunderbaren Listen
mfg ThePaPsT
--- End quote ---
I think that reads "A Big Fat THANK-YOU for this wonderful list!" to which I say AMEN
and if I missed ThePaPsT's meaning, I'll say it myself BBIIGG FFAATTÂ TTHHAANNKKÂ YYOOUU!!
Note 1: "Hir Recovery" => Hit Recovery
Note 2: "Redquierment " => Requirement
Note 3: "Error Balance2 , , 20 , 20" and "Error Levelreq , , 10 , 10" ... huh?
Note 4: "negativ values " => Negative values
Note 5: "Extragold " => Extra Gold
Note 6: "Poisen-Damage " => Poison Damage
Note 7: "0 to Life (per charlevel)" => vllt a goof...
I assume this is a 0.25 which has been ronded to zero
Note 8: "Pervents monster healing" => Prevents Monster Heal"
Note 9: "Slayed monsters rest in peace" => "Slain ..."
That's it for today...
Its again a pleasure to see your work ScoobyD. Big Thanks ;)
And thanks to Chaos for giving us the chance to know all actual items even if we don´t own them.
Now planing charequip will take a long time to be perfect - but without all itemstats it was impossible :thumbup:
Found a error i think. Afaik the rw Sting hasn't +Multi on it, or has it changed back?
@OK Fixed cause old values have been imported :), so I need to redo also the offfline version..
sehr nette liste nun auch mit lev req dankeschön
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