webwalker: You said u play alone alot ? There are alot of people who play the same hours as you, I never play alone (never,unless i chose to ) alot of people from U.S. play < probably the same hours as you, We uasually play in our evening hours, when do u play?
I also play with people from germany alot, with people from scotland ,belgium, from all over .... thou we do use chattalk alot,, cause we like to play more than type;) most people I play with can speak english if u ask them to ,,thou some is chattalk and some is broken english. we dont have alot of trouble understanding them

I can make out some german words i see in games all the time and have come to reconize. And everyone i have met have been very nice;) just jump in game and say Hi ! sometimes the only way i can tell if they are talking to me is if they call me by name lol ,just tell them sorry english please? I have not met nebody yet that can not speak some english,,,and we have a blast playing with them ....come join anytime!!!