Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

New CE Europe Server

<< < (7/11) > >>

dann auch noch mal von mir,zu spaeter stunde, ein herzlichstes danke fuer den neuen server!!!!

von mir auch noch mal an herzliches danke an eye, trouble für den neuen server :)

Mfg Kail

1.)  Tons of Thank you to Eyeliner and Troublemaker for Donating the server.  It's much appreciated and the timing was great with the start of the new ladder season.

2.) I'd like to donate to this awesome mod.  What options are available.  (I dont like using Paypal as i dont trust it anymore)

3.)  What would I need to do if I wanted to donate a server.

4.) Tecwar website is a place for friends to post what there main characters on Chaos Empire have and what items they need to improve there characters. We give items freely to those who need them.  We do not trade at all.  It is definitly not for commercial purposes.  I see why you feel the way you do.  Where on this forum could we do something similiar.

you can use trade section for example...it is not a problem to make a offer for free thread..
also clan forums are possible..but no clan has requested any..and the in game channels are unsed..

Ich habs grad erst richtig entdeckt :)

Hat ja auch einen Grund, dass ich als erste den Eyeliner+Troublemaker-FanClub gegründet habe! Jetzt sollten die Mitgliederzahlen nochmal anwachsen ^_^

Ihr seid toll! Vielen Dank dafür :)


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