Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

New CE Europe Server

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as Zen[PdH] already said,i understood eye's post in the same way...
we all know it...they both(eye+trouble) know it too..
we are happy about every new server !

i expect much more people showing respect, and showing that the word community is not a word

I m really frustrated about thing like the website tecwar.net
instead of making such engagement here in our community forum... a user splits the community, and massivley spams on the server...

I m really unhappy about people which take bonuses from others work!

Also I heared that it is planed to make commercial use fron this website...so one reason more for me to work strict against such users!

Why making a special project instead of using the Community forum...

Chaos, who does not plan any longer a new version to support those users.

And I remember that in last 2 month only one donation has maked...it really seems to be a common service for most of those people here...and not all are only passive forum users...

Hello ChaosEnergy,

relating to the website You are talking about i have already sent a PM to You.
Right now it seems there are some misunderstandings about it.
Please Talk to me about it.


I think something was missunderstood in this tecwar thingy too.
Please talk about it... ; )

Also heavy thanks to Eyeliner and troublemaker for the Server.

I said my thanks with the paypal link.


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