Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Chaos Empire WiKi online

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Hi All,

I m proud to announce our WiKi, now integrated into Mambo

Actually we have 3 categories

Recipes, HowTo's and Guides

Probably we add more categories like items, or runewords and so on..

as every WiKi it lives from your input

please create english content only, cause chaosempire is international

where is the wiki?

http://chaosempire.info right side..click on wiki..and on guestbook.P

Does it mean, we should write down our own experiences only, or could we copy from forum, if we think the info right?

I think, the WiKi is a great idea. If Someone in Realm asks something you dont know, you could tell him to look in the WiKi, instead of trying to use the search-Button from the forum.

i think some main topics are missing, so before wrting things in wrong topics, write a pm to my acc and i will add a topic

surely you can "copy/paste" from forum, but make better formatting and so on...


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