Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Chaos Empire Logo / Font contest

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Hi All, The fonts I've seen so far are proving to me, that you all have way more skill with a computer than me. Which is fine I love to see great work, and you all are definitely good at what you do. Good Luck to all competitors.
On another note: Chaos is absolutely right! Chaos ( according to history & science ) is the beginning and also the end . The Chaos begins the story and the fight for exentenice and right to survive. Empire: is the Santuary at the end of the battle, a place to rest and recuperate and prepare for the next Great Battle. So when the name ( ChaosEmpire )  is put into this prespective, you get the Full story of Life. As in the Mod you live this story with every Act and every Level you obtain. So to me, This is a Extremely well thought out and well built Mod of which I will play and contribute to as long as it is around. With good Luck, that will be a long time!!
 Â                                                                   Great Job Chaos
 Â                                                                   A Loyal Player

 Â                                                                    Misticstarx

Hi All,

this are my first saved fonts, during scanning a 1000+ fonts website...
You see that some also have a completly german char set (except the euro) but this is only a goody...

There are still some, which are a good starting base, but not one is really the best i think...
probably you will have an idea, which direction is ok..



Habe mich auch mal probiert.

€: hm.. irgendwie ist das feuer doch nicht so toll geworden

Einmal mit kürzeren Flammen:

Einmal ohne Flammen, auf schwarzem Grund:

wobei mir die farben recht gut gefallen...
nicht zu hell das man es auf weissem hintergruind nicht erkennen wuerde..aber nicht zu duinkel, das das feuer noch recht heiss aussieht...welche schriftart ist das, sieht einer von meinen bisher gefundenen recht aehnlich

bei den höheren flammen wirkt das orange kraeftiger...
das amcht die leuchtkraft dieses logos aus(die ich aus dem kopf die nacht nicht nachmachne konnte..lach)


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