AuthorTopic: Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover  (Read 3238 times)

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Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover
« on: June 06, 2005, 06:18:30 am »
I have seen this question asked before but never answered clearly.

A friend and I play CE on our LAN and we like it a lot better than LOD.  We have read about the GubbelGubbel and the Book of Wisdom and how you can roll over to ~level 30.  I am a bit confused about this, though, for a couple of reasons.

The BoW gives 5 million experience (I think).  Level 99 happens at about 3,500,000,000 XP.  But if Diablo is using a 32-bit unsigned integer for experience (which I think it is), you need 4,294,967,296 XP to roll over.  That would mean you would need about 160 Books of Wisdom to make it roll over.  This seems a little strange.  How does the rollover work?

I have read a post that says that characters who roll over will break or otherwise not work.  Is this true?

I have also read a post which says you can get to level 100, meaning that maybe the rollover could start somewhere higher.  Is this true?

If I understand how the roll over works, then you could possibly roll over to a level less than 30.  For example, let's say you get lvl 100 when you reach 4,294,967,295 XP and one more XP point makes your XP 0 (so you are lvl 1).  Well, you don't use BoW when you're lvl 100... you use it when you're lvl 99 with 4,289,967,296 XP: 5,000,000 less than the rollover number.  This means that when you use it it makes your XP roll over to exactly 0 and you're level 1 again (I hope).  If this works, you miss 8 stat points and 2 skill points for lvl 100, but you get ~240 stat points and ~60 skill points for levels 1 through 30.

What is the truth here?  Does rollover work?  Can you reach level 100?  If you can reach level 100, how much XP does it take?

Thanks for all your help and, of course, for a great mod!  CE == (LOD++)++   :)


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Re: Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 08:57:48 am »
There is lvl 100 in CE even if i can't exactely remember the exp needed to achieve it.
The rollover works (or should work at least) the way you wrote but once you'r lvl 100 i think you can prevent it dieing a good amount of times to keep your exp low...well at least this seems an easy solution to me  :blob10:


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Re: Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 10:37:12 am »
I think u simply get no more exp if u are lvl 100. Probably u will never get a rollover if u do the last 5 mio exp by hand (and not by bows or GubbelGubbels)

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Re: Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2005, 10:24:03 pm »
Hm i think it's just not based on 32bit  ; )
Maybe Blizzard left this backdoor for mods open and made it 64Bit or sth.
It all returns to nothing...

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Re: Book of Wisdom, GubbelGubbel, and Rollover
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2005, 10:44:48 pm »
it's definitely based on 32 bit we had a lvl 100 rollover at d2m server about 3/4 year ago... but i don't know how it works exactly, what i know is that you shouldn't take GubbelGubbel or BoW for lvl 100...


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