Hi Alle,
Version steht im Topic
Welcome to Chaos Core Community!
We support the following Blizzard Games on our Realms:
- Lord of Destruction version 1.10 modification: Chaos Empire
- Lord of Destruction version 1.10 cheatfree original Version
- Diablo 1 version 1.09
- Starcraft and Broodwar version 1.13
- Warcraft 2 BattleNet Edition version 2.02
- Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne version 1.20 (Loader needed)
Gateway Reg DateiServer StatusCE Europe and Generic LadderCE ASIA Softcore LadderCE ASIA Hardcore LadderTo create an Account click on the chat button
View the instruction, and enter the text in the box ABOVE the instruction (below is only the shoutbox)
JAVA must be enabled
Everyone creating more then one Account will be deleted
If you are able to donate your root server to the Community...contact me
If you dont have a root server, you can still help us, see PayPal button on the website
Function to restrict games with Password, MaxPlayers or LevelDifference are disabled
There is no second chance for thiefs!
We act like a big family...
To see the rules visit
Terms of Service and read the TOS
To have and/or use 2 Accounts is not allowed on CCC!!!
To login more then one time from one account is not allowed
- Play fair
- Be friendly
- Dont use rascism names/words in acc AND talk
- Dont use any dirty language/street language
- Dont be a thief
- Dont flame
- Dont spam
- Dont blame
- Dont be a PK!!!
- Dont use any kind of cheating program
A little note to PK:
I accept Duell!
This means, both sides have agreed...eg starting with an OK on both sides.
Please go into PvP Area
In case of trouble
Look into realm forum, there is a sticky or send a SMS to +49-160-2030550 (I wont pic up the phone, so dont ring)
I do it alone, and I sleep like normal people do...so be patient, there is nothing more urgent, then my sleep, my private todos and so on...if this is finished, I spend my time to solve your problem, if you have been patient
If you send me 1000 eMails, and try to stress me, its easy for me to make stress to you!
Members of C.C.C. Server can connect to Realm via IRC Client with their  GameAccount (mIRC for example)
So you can chat with your friends, without running the game (both at one time is not allowed)
This are the needed settings
Before connectiiong you must change your Nick to realm account name with /nick
After Login enter:
/MSG Nickserv identify OnlyThisMustBeChangedIntoiYourPassword
and join main with /j #Taverne the Tavern
What games can be run on C.C.C. Server?- Chaos Empire, in actual Version, Basis Diablo 2 + LOD + Patch 1.10 (with a special file)
- Diablo 1 ver. 1.09
- Starcraft + Broodwar, both ver. 1.13b
- Warcraft 2 ver. 2.02
- Warcraft 3 + FT, both ver. 1.18a
Last 24h Users online
Last 24h Games open
History has moved into Website content
Please have a look athttp://chaosempire.info search for Version History
Ladder Season 1 finished with Version 7.50 on 31.12.2004
http://chaosempire.info/cms/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=6&action=downloads&d=ChaosEmpire_MOD%2FOld_Chars%2Fccc_ldr1_2004In this download folder you find the chars and also all needed files to see the ladder results offline
New Year Event Results of CCC
Hi all,
here are the results of the New Year HC 24hour event on Chaos Core Community, played with version 7.50
1 Guardian Squall (Black_Squall) 96 2750011941 Barbarian alive
2 dead (also not done all quests in correct order)
3 Guardian eX-Fighter (nOoBy) 94 2379444635 Barbarian alive
4 Guardian UhmansRevenge (Uhman) 94 2308292085 Amazon alive
5 Guardian Soulhunter (Soulhunter) 93 2250792247 Sorceress alive
6 Conqueror Saygan (Saygan) 93 2225637433 Druid alive
Btw: Saygan has been the only one, who has been only act1 hell
![Smiley :)](https://chaosempire.eu/forum/Smileys/Lots_O_Smileys/smiley.gif)
all other fiished Baal in Hell
Everyone wins 1 soulstone
The winner's shall PM me, and tell me if they want their Soulstone in SC or HC, also they can tell me about the wished Stone, if there are some change possibilities, I will discuss with the other winners
OK, after everyone want's to have same Soul-Stone
I post the order, which has been discussed with Jen, before the event has started:
1.) Baal (Black-Squall)
2.) Diablo (nOoBy)
3.) Mephisto (Uhman)
4.) Duriel (Soulhunter)
5.) Andariel (Saygan)
Final Ladder and
All characters for downloadDownload Section