hey Chaos,
Great mod man,

but how the hell do you kill The Butcher with a druid or do you just not get him? I died twice using Werebear form. Geez,

when I gamble for Cloaks they have for (Druid only) but when you buy it, its for another character. Also I found a cheap recipe. Magic jewel + magic charm=sometimes a pretty good magic jewel for low level socketing. Sorry about bugging you about this. Other than that can't stay off this mod.
Hey have to do the tomcat since I am one
Hey I'm trying to learn German; know some but learning more every day

Oh, just thought of something: Are there anymore stashes on Act 2 except the one in Sewers 2? Can a barb kill The Butcher? Just wondering, since I went brain dead
Thanks Chaos for a damn good mod, keep up the good work..........

OH now I thought of the something else. duh, I don't get much sleep anymore, and yes I'm not a meth head anymore.....