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Installations FAQ

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ich möcht den mod jetzt endlich mal runterladen aber wenn cih auf den downloadbereich klick kommt ne fehlermeldung: Beim Versuch zu kontaktieren, wurde die Verbindung zurückgesetzt.

und wenn ich auf seite 1 von dem topic auf den namen klicke lädt er zwar die zip datei runter, aber sie ist leer. ahh cih dreh noch durch. kann mir jemand helfen?


Hi ChaosEmpire guys!
your mod is just almost perfect except for one little detail:
I can't install it correctly!
I had a problem with a couple of missing files (d2customtbl.ce & d2extra.ce), but managed to fix this by myself.
so what's the problem?
I installed the mod according to all the rules, but after activating all the exe files become a hyper references to your forum!
I mean I click PLAY CHAOSEMPIRE or CHAOSEMPIRE IN ENGLISH or GAME.EXE or DIABLO2.EXE & it throws me directly to this forum!!!

please send some instructions how to fix this & start playing finally! 8-(((
truly yours, chaosempire fan from Kazakhstan

It´s normal that the forum will be opened at start of the game.

But Diablo2 starts parallel.

Do you start the game with a cd in your cd-rom-drive or from a hdd-image?

To mention this directly if you have any third-party-programs (like maphack, no-cd-loader etc.) installed the game start will aborted.

ehhh..... I've just found I had zoid pickit & maphack installed.
deleted them, 'cause actually I don't need them.
but the game still doesn't start! even parallelly!!! 8-(((
I play from an ISO-image on my HDD

please help! I really (REALLY!) want to play your mod!!!


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