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Offline NaenzTopic starter

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« on: February 12, 2005, 08:24:23 am »
I have a feeling it might not just be me, and it may be mentioned in the Bug forum, but in German... anyway. My Valkyrie walks at a very very slow pace, like she has been chilled and decrepified to 10% of her normal speed.

I thought maybe she starts slow at low levels and gains speed as you increase the skill, but Valk is at level 12 now, and she's still slow. She's slow enough that she will disappear and have to be recast if I run too far away from her.

Also, I noticed that Immolation Arrow has a huge (meteor-sized) burn radius. This is a feature, right? I thought the burn radius might be increased to the same size as the freezing arrow, but meteor sized seems like overkill. Just an opinion, I won't be able to play an immolation zon myself.

With pierce causing multiple immolation burns, it slows my computer to 2fps until the flames die. But, I suppose everyone has very powerful computers these days. (Mine is a 900mhz without a ton of RAM...)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2005, 08:30:10 am by Naenz »

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2005, 08:42:38 am »
Are you playing in SP or on one of the Servers?

Because CCC has a Serverside Update to make her more faster.

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2005, 08:45:44 am »

if you´re playing 7.51 your valk will increase her speed and "beaming" as you continue to put skillpoints to her (my lvl 57 valk runs like speedy gonzales).

the immo arrow... yes, thats a feature.
and if someone in a party or a merc is useing it, my fps also drop to 2 to 5 as long as the flames burn (of course rapid fireing immo arrows makes me mad, couse i can only see the map itself, no enemys are shown)


edit: only serverside update? didnt remember that  :blink:  
« Last Edit: February 12, 2005, 08:46:52 am by profo »

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2005, 09:07:49 am »
it is possible that after using viidtest.exe and setting to 3dfx glide setting that your d2 runs faster

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Offline NaenzTopic starter

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2005, 09:09:10 am »
Yeah, I'm playing single player. I like the idea of increasing speed for the Valkyrie at higher levels, but I think it's a bit too slow even at level 15. Oh well, I don't rely on a tank anyhow. (Freezing Arrow is great)

As for Immolation Arrow, yes, I noticed that D2 stops drawing monster sprites if you have too much fire on your screen, which is not hard to do with a only few shots of immolation into a pack of monsters. (Partly why I think it's overkill.) Perhaps if there is a change to it later, keep the initial fire damage explosion large, and reduce the immolation size to 3x3 of the original "single" spot from normal D2?

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Valkyrie walks very slow
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2005, 02:52:25 pm »
it is possible that after using viidtest.exe and setting to 3dfx glide setting that your d2 runs faster
it is possible... maybe... tried that already ;)

on my computer (with only 1,4ghz) it doesnt work... also glide seems to be very blurry. i like the sharpness of d3d (also i dont have to use my glasses to see something). of course i could play with some options, but glide has no impact on my fps (its slower sometimes) and so i´ll continue to enjoy CE using d3d.



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