Computer-Games > International Support
Chaos Empire Activation and D2 not starting
Hey guys. ive got 1 question. Coz i have some problem's with CE. Everything is good installed etc. But when i activate my CE and try play there's nothing happend. Diablo dont work with it. When i deactivate Diablo working. When Activate not working. Just 0 Process. Can some1 help me with this?
r u using win 7 or higher?
i am using win 7 and i got the same problem from time to time... even as administrator.... for me it works if i just deactivate and activate ce a few times... after 10 times without success i restart my pc...then it usually works
Win7. Huh then lets try... coz this is rly annoying problem ~~
Post Merge: July 05, 2014, 09:37:38 amBy the way... not working... i didi it for last hour... nothing happend
sometimes it also helped to deactivate the mod... do the grafics test (in d2 folder) and try the second or third grafics option...and then activate the mod and start it. if its not working deactivate and activate again...and so on... the problem is that d2 isnt made for win 7 :D
i think in our faq threat there are some win 7 advices too...
Well all i can say is that ce is the most retarded mod in terms of installing and getting it to run proprely and i tryed a ton of mods. Alot of pepole having problems with this and it should be more user friendly but sadly it isnt.
It would rly help to have a d2se modmanager plugin for ce so you can change to different mods without any problem having only 1 d2 install. As for me i have 5 different mods installed with the help of d2se so it makes rly easy to switch from mod to mod wich you want to play.
If i remember correctly seltsamuel (d2se creator) offerd this to the ce modder but he wasnt interesed.
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