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AuthorTopic: I need some help here :(  (Read 1996 times)

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I need some help here :(
« on: January 29, 2005, 02:06:31 pm »
Hello, I'm Andrew Lim from Korea.
I'm currently living in China but..suppose u don't really care ;(
Anyways, I've just started playing this MOD and I'm really enjoying it!
I installed it yesterday and now I'm a 30-lv sorc a Single Player.
Being in China where the Lan is extremely slow,
Battle.Net seems like somewhat of a luxury to me :(

Well, here are some question I'd really like for you nice ppl to answer.
1. How do we use the "Gem bags"?
    -I just got  to Act 2 and found out that one of the NPCs sell these things called
'gem bag's what are those for and how do we use/activate them?

2. What's your best suggestion as far as items go?
   - I know I've just started playing and it's unreasonable for me to expect such strong items, but I've played D2 for ages already( have most of you) and I'd really like to be "strong". Can you give me some suggestions that'll most likely help me get "stronger"? For example, in D2, in version lower than 1.10, Mephisto was the best&most effcient way to get items. Does this work for the MOD too? or something else such as mixing the items using the Cube? ANY suggestions will be extemely helpful for me. Please write anything you know. Recipes for items..Places with good drop chances..anything.

3. I'm going for 95. Is it possible to reach such high level in Single Player?
   - I mean.. in D2, it was extremely hard to reach higher level than 90 in single player where there's no Party Play. Is it any diff. in this MOD? Do you think I can do it? or is it just a joke. Criticizms are welcomed; we all know I'm a newbie.

4. Please tell me anything else that you think might help me.
   - Thank you for reading this with such caring heart. I really appreciate it. And I really hope to make some friends here. So..are most of you German?


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I need some help here :(
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2005, 02:19:18 pm »
Hello, I'm Andrew Lim from Korea.
I'm currently living in China but..suppose u don't really care ;(
Anyways, I've just started playing this MOD and I'm really enjoying it!
I installed it yesterday and now I'm a 30-lv sorc a Single Player.
Being in China where the Lan is extremely slow,
Battle.Net seems like somewhat of a luxury to me :(

Well, here are some question I'd really like for you nice ppl to answer.
1. How do we use the "Gem bags"?
    -I just got  to Act 2 and found out that one of the NPCs sell these things called
'gem bag's what are those for and how do we use/activate them?

2. What's your best suggestion as far as items go?
   - I know I've just started playing and it's unreasonable for me to expect such strong items, but I've played D2 for ages already( have most of you) and I'd really like to be "strong". Can you give me some suggestions that'll most likely help me get "stronger"? For example, in D2, in version lower than 1.10, Mephisto was the best&most effcient way to get items. Does this work for the MOD too? or something else such as mixing the items using the Cube? ANY suggestions will be extemely helpful for me. Please write anything you know. Recipes for items..Places with good drop chances..anything.

3. I'm going for 95. Is it possible to reach such high level in Single Player?
   - I mean.. in D2, it was extremely hard to reach higher level than 90 in single player where there's no Party Play. Is it any diff. in this MOD? Do you think I can do it? or is it just a joke. Criticizms are welcomed; we all know I'm a newbie.

4. Please tell me anything else that you think might help me.
   - Thank you for reading this with such caring heart. I really appreciate it. And I really hope to make some friends here. So..are most of you German?
1. You can put in Gems, just a saphir + saphir bag in cube and then the gem is in the bag, if you want to take the gems out, just put the bag in the cube. So you dont need much space and the bag transforum the gems by him self to higher gems, for exmample, as soon you has 3 flawless saphires in hte saphire bag, they will be one perfect saphir.

2. Just Gamble you have a really high chance. If you need elite set items (Bloodraven, Chaosempire, Travinicasl) just put in the cube 5 rare jools +doll+ base item of the set item which you want, for example if you want travincal shoes 5rare jools+doll+mirrored boots

3. 93 is really easy to reach, 95 too i think, need a little bit more time.

4. I think its important to know, that runewords works in rare + magic items^^ and that the stashes are all outside of the town. :)

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I need some help here :(
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2005, 02:24:34 pm »
Hi epik,

1. The Gems Bag you can usw by dropping it and a (perfect,flawless and so on..)gem (gem must be like the name of the bag) in the Cube.
You will see on the bag, how much gems you have,

If you want to put out the gems, just cube the bag and 1 of them will get out.

2. In CE MoD you can gamble all items! You only need a high lvl (higher lvl = higher/better items with gamble)

If you need sock in your items, you must put perfect gems and the item in the cube. 2gems =1 sock 4 gems= 2socks and so on.

You can also have a look HERE

There you can see all about item Recipes.

3. Of course you can get lvl 95 in CE! Ce is on Setup Players13 thats 1. very hard and 2. much exp :)

Im sure, that it is hard to get lvl 95 in SP but feasiblly

4. I think you should read this:

In the Readme, you can see things about this MoD.

Sry 4 my bad English, im just a Swiss Guy who is learning it on school  :axeman:  

Offline LordBahamut

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I need some help here :(
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2005, 02:32:06 pm »
Well, first, i'll welcome you in our community, we are all happy to know our community growing(please forgice me my cruel english, i know it's terrible)

So, your Questions:

1. The "Gem-Bags" I'll copy some text of the Readme, most times it's a very good way to answer questions, here it is:

originally written in Readme
Description of Gem-Bags:

There are 7 Gem-Bags for each gem type.
The bag can contain 2 gems of same type and quality, if you put in a third of same type and quality it willbe converted to next better quality.
There can be 200 perfect gems in bag
Maximum is 200 Perfect, 2 Flawless, 2 Normal, 2 Flawed and 2 Chipped Gems of same type.
So 208 gems in bag for only 1 place in inventory, you save 207 places!

How to put gems into gem-bags
Put the gem-bag and the correct gem type into cube, press the button, thats it
If there are already 2 of same type in gem bag, you get a better one that you can cube again into stash, until its a perfect one

How to get gems back?
Put the gem-bag into the cube, press the button, and one of the lowest will be put off from bag
To get the perfect gem, you must remove up to 8 from other type...heee you got 207 saved do a little work :)

Where to get this gem-bags
Lysander (Act2) costs 750 Gold

Now your 2. question:

Well, you should be able to find good things by playing the game through, or to get good runes should be very easy, you can gamble them. You can also cube some equip, the recipes are in the Readme, but you have to know, you can't cube the "uber-items" but it's very possible to get thtough without them.
 So to get a some good equip shoudn't be too hard, only what belongs your resists, this could become pretty tough, because on difficulty hell you will loose 250% of your resists and believe me, its hard without any good resists. But you can make runewords into magic and rare items, they could have some nice @ like a high number of enhanced defense and resists, so don't be afraid.

Your 3. question:

It should be possible to get over lv 9x in single-player by playing normaly through. If not, you just should train a little bit, its easy to know the monsters lv, just take a normal, magic or rare item dropped by a monster where you want to train. You see the itemlevel on the item. So you should know the Monsterlevel, because:
Itemlevel of a normal/magic/rare item=Monsterlevel
If the level of your char is more than 5 levels lower or higher than the monsterlevel, you won't get good eyperience. If your level is right, you should get good eyperience without great problems.

Last but not least, 4.

Yes it's true, most of us speack german, but there are also people from switzerland and other european countries here. But almost everybody understands english, most can write better than me^^

Here are some usable links:

I hope i was able to help you :)

mfG Lord-Bahamut

€dit: woah, i was the 1. who wrote the thrad and the last who answered...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 02:33:53 pm by Lord-Bahamut »
Ich grüsse: efh_nightshiver, Icetongue, Agnostic, Totbringer, Roy_Marquise, Snow_Maid, Vandahl, Radon-Ex, Saaya, Baerchi, IFRID, Phosgen, Olfmo, Sportfreund, Aleksa, einfach alle meine Freunde

Zudem noch ChaosEnergy, MrBean, Jen und Grothesk für ihre unermüdliche Arbeit


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I need some help here :(
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2005, 02:34:25 pm »
Thx, guys..
I really appreciate you putting time to read and reply to a
total strangers' request.
Thx for your informations and ENCOURAGING messages!!
I look forward to play further. The MOD is great!
and so are the people in the website. :)

Offline LordBahamut

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I need some help here :(
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2005, 02:42:17 pm »
I'm happy about heraing this and I'm sure the others are happy too.
We all will give our best to help the newcomers, everybody of us was a newcomer and I think everbody got help, so we all know how it is, if you don't understand everything, that's why we help :)

mfG Lord-Bahamut
Ich grüsse: efh_nightshiver, Icetongue, Agnostic, Totbringer, Roy_Marquise, Snow_Maid, Vandahl, Radon-Ex, Saaya, Baerchi, IFRID, Phosgen, Olfmo, Sportfreund, Aleksa, einfach alle meine Freunde

Zudem noch ChaosEnergy, MrBean, Jen und Grothesk für ihre unermüdliche Arbeit


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I need some help here :(
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2005, 03:07:48 am »
One more thing i'D like to add:

Not all stashes are outside town. In Act2 there is a stash bottom left (where you usually start coming from Act1 from Warriv in d2lod)

greetz Spawn  :clap: