Computer-Games > International Support

Hardcore token for teddy


Hi Folks
if there are any players in North- or Southamerica who plays hardcore pls contact me.
About the time difference we need to contact us by email ect, than I can give you a token
for pimp up your teddy
This token works ONLY at Hardcore and you can use it at much as you need (for other Hc players)




I'll be playing again soon here and will join you in HC unless I gotta finish for stage before I can create HC.

Hi Lando,
to be able to create HC char you need a value in your pc registry
if you cant directly create, let me know, maybe i can create a reg file to import

Hmmm I'm not sure what I need to create?  I have no problem editing the registry if you let me know where/what needs to be created and its value.

This is from Windows 7 exported, copy into a txt file and rename to *.reg

--- Code: ---Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II]

--- End code ---


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