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Some Problems finding quest drops.


Hi all,
    I recently upgrade and started again my Diablo 2 characters with the latest patch of  7.74   . I have made a stock standard necro and have been able to get to L35 and am in currently in ACT3. I have got all the way to Travinal and killed the council. However i have only got two of the "words" that is (YOU + FOUR). Would someone remind me where i can find the word "NEED". I have several times cleared ACT3 below travinical but am unable to locate this word.
    Secondly how do i make the doll stash , as the old formula doesn't seem to work for me.
    Thirdly i would like to try online playing and would ask if there is much interest by others in playing softcore.
    Ant answers greatly appreciated.


you will find the word NEED Found at: Cairn Stones at  the Dark Wood in ACT 1 !
Will be dropped from Monster: Rakanishu

You can take a look to Questinformations since 7.65
here are all Informations you need

Hi all,
    Thank you for the reply.


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