Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
New Version, New Ladder, New Characters 7.74/2013
After de-activation of the Mod, I should be playing my "vanilla" D2_LOD. It claims to be V1.11
The 774 patch declares it is for D2LOD V1.10
Will 1.11 work with mod? or 1.10 only? Which versions of D2LOD can work with CE V7.74?
the setup copies files with extension ce, which get renamed during "activation", so your 1.11 gets *.org and my *.ce get dll/exe
I am guessing, that the answer to my question is "CE works with all versions of D2/LOD, from 1.07 fresh off the CDs to 1.13 (or whatever is current battle.net)". Is this guess correct?
yes brian, this guess is correct
even the issue with a clean 1.07 lod installation is fixed
but the funny part is...some people reported that after installing 1.13d before helped them to get the mod run...i dont see any way how this could be...but...i heared it several times...
This is like a 2 year old! I cannot get it to be happy even thought I give it everything it asks!
"d2customtbl.ce is a missing file!"
(unless I go look, and THERE IT IS!)
Running under WinXP btw.
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