Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
New Version, New Ladder, New Characters 7.74/2013
was passierte denn beim vid test wenn du nciht deaktiviert hast?
zumal man den test intern ja ueberspringen kann
was für eine graka nutzt du, welche treiberversion
evtl liegt da das opengl problem
mitte ist glaub ich directX (3d),
musste natürlich nach fehlschlag auch alles löschen und d2 neu aufziehen.neuinstallation patch 13 drauf und dann den mod.klappt alles hervorragend...nur kann ich keinen hc char erstellen...umpf.
--- Quote from: ChaosEmpire on January 06, 2013, 03:38:08 am ---Hi All,
I know the version is not 100% ready, but I assume we will need some re-balancing, fixing in near future, so expect several update packages :)
This version will brake your old characters, shared stash files and so on, at least, when you have dollstash, gembag, oil cans or bodypart containers in your save files!
Features 7.74
- Sorc Mastery Skill now also works on Orbs
- Amazon Mastery Skill works now also on Bows
- LoL Rune now also will add replenish quantity to quiver's
- Moved jailed Cain from NewTristram to "Old" Tristram
- Teddy is now socketable (works like amulet)
- New Runes got Values (NOT FINISHED)
SinglePlayer may need to remove shared stash files
- Gem/Bodypart/Oil-Bags decreased in amount to 60
- Doll Stash internally changed
- Removed Santas Balls (the most missing will revive on the Runes)
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Did you inform Santa before hand? If not you're in for several years of coal!
--- Quote from: ChaosEmpire on January 06, 2013, 03:38:08 am ---
--- End quote ---
The installer offered to do this, and failed. SmackW32.dll is somehow wrong. What's the right size and date for this file for D2LOD and for CE?
--- Quote from: ChaosEmpire on January 06, 2013, 03:38:08 am ---
If you have trouble with BNUpdate.exe, please overwrite the mentioned file with the one from this package:
Little goodie...
If you remove in version 7.73 Gem/Bodypart/Oil-Bags and maybe also Doll Stash (from char, cube, stash, and also shared stash)
then you will be able to convert the char to 7.74 with a big chance
--- End quote ---
fein dann mach ich mich mal an die installation ran hoffe dasi ch net zu weit hinterherhaenge im hc ;.) nachdem ja die ganzen santas weg sind 8)
Dieter, wie in FB geschrieben...damals musste man bei Diablo noch einmal sc dsurchspielen...damit ein reg key angelegt wurde, google wird sen siche r finden, sonst such ich gleich mal in truhe
Brian: Santa is glad, that we have given back his "balls"
when did you downloaded the setup?
if in last ~6h its not a problem by the setup
as the mod delivers all files, there should not be any wrong size
if needed, deactivate the mod, delete all *.ce and *.org files, overwrite the dll/exe with the files from fixpack (download section) so you get a clean d2, and then reinstall the mod
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