Computer-Games > International Support

Can't Join/Create Games

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everything works fine intell i try to join or create a game. But it worked fine B4 i did the upgrade to 7.73

-"BOOM"   :suicide:  Unhandled_Exception Access_Violation (C0000005)

I have tried to find somthing on the threads but nothing on my problem But i did read it chould be a hardware problem??

Create a new character, and see if it can join/create games.

c00000005 is often a ram/driver issue
sometimes a reboot will help, sometimes a drivr change helps, also changing the mode you play directX 3d, 3dfx (opengl wrapper), might help

but google for c00000005 will show a lot of results...even here in forum

Had have the same issue, the best way is to close all other applications, even in the background
like email ect.
mostly it helps

this error can apperance if you use google chrome/srware iron browser, but only if they are open while playing d2 lod.
another problem could be, if you use a 32bit operating system and you got more then 3 GB physikal ram in your computer.
do you start diablo with "Windows XP SP2" compatibility mode, administration rights and deactivated "visual designs"?


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