Computer-Games > International Support
Cain Quest Reward
I seem to understand you can use the Cain Quest Reward from CGS more than once on the same item (to a max of +14 to class-skills) it made me wonder, can you use the LR reward more than once to give, for example, +60 to Defiance on a sorceress shield?
Also, it is possible to give the CGS reward on the same item that has the +30 from LR?
I tested LR reward in SP for 60 defiance, but it does not work.
the cgs reward you can use twice. first time u got +5 to class skill, after second time you got +7 to class skill. if you make now a runeword in your item - then it is like the item is new and you can craft also 2 more cgs rewards on it. 5+2 + 5+2 = 14. but remember the runeword after the 2 cgs rewards.
Hey i know its hasnt done anything with the originial thema but the title is right. I was wondering what i could do with the Wanderer Doll which i got at Leo in Tristram ? Thx for the answers
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