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Three questions for wise men


I have three questions, all concerning skills in some different way, and I don't think they are easy to answer, but hey, what do I know?

First off: Inferno. I have noticed that this skill does ridiculous amounts of damage in Chaos Empire. This is something I approve of, since it has always been useless. My question though is as follows: In Diablo 2 (without mod) infernos mechanics were somehow messed up and it did half the damage shown in the character screen. Same thing happened with the inferno traps and arctic blast. I wonder if inferno follow the same rules in CE. Does my lvl 22 sorc do 32k damage or "only" 16k.

Secondly: Dragon Talon. Or maybe all kick skills, not sure, haven't tried them. Anyways, it seems as if the higher my dexterity is, the harder I kick. Is this true? I have no idea how they worked without the mod.

Lastly: Energy Shield. I read that the benefit from telekinesis was reduced (now you can skill the synergy to lvl 30, so I fully understand this), but how much? Is it worth it or not?

Thank you
Post Merge: October 26, 2011, 01:15:20 pm :oops:

Double post. I found out how the kick damage was calculated, and it seems as if nothing there is changed (except the bonus from skills ect.). If anyone else is intrested I found my answers here:

I am still looking for answers to the other questions though.

Hi Utiti

It is definitely worthing it to skill the Syn of Energy Shield full 30 skills.

I dont know what the damage of Inferno truely is , but 32k or 16k at lvl 22 are both enough ,or not ?:-)


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