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Damaged Archive in download menu.


Well, few days ago I decided to return to ChaosEmpire.
So I downloaded 769 and it runs perfectly, but I also decided to download update 772. When I tried to unpack, there shows an error: Unexpected end of archive/archive damaged. Well, in WinRAR options is a position: repair, so I did it, and archive unpacked corretly. ALmost. Only file LIESMICH (connected with GLIDE) was still incorrect I had to delete it. I copied files (firstly I unactivated MOD 769) and tried to activate once more (after copying). "Missing file" - ChaosEmpire.ce. I saw it in d2 directory and cut it to the another folder and then cut it again to d2 folder. Activation went well, but when I started the game, next error appeared, this time it says that ChaosEmpire.mpq is damaged.
What shall I do?
Maybe someone can send me the correct archive to e-mail:
I would be very pleased!

the file in the downladsection is damaged look at this topic for a temoraly link,28562.msg267983.html#new

First install 7.69 and activate it, then override the files with the update.

Has the damaged archive been repaired?

use the ftp

the files ar enot damaged
and http and ftp have both the same folder to take files from


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