Since this is about the Skellimancer (summoner) with 3 golems, 25 skeletons, 15 skel mages, and 20 revives; NOT about a meleemancer or boner/poisoner who has skeletons as a backup, we still have a few things to think through.
<quote from 2008>
The way to know the skelliemancer is broken, is to play one in Hell.
I understand, that different builds and characters have different attraction to different players, and that the skellimancer is a rare build nowadays.
In D2LOD up til today, and in CE up until 7.62 or so, skellimancer was common. It was a stable, rugged, powerful build. Now, I say, as a long-time skellimancer player, it is a greatly weakened, or even crippled, build.
So I take a big drink of "sit back and think", and have a few thoughts to share.
1: Skelletal mages have always been a pain. They block doorways and keep the warriors from engaging. They do not have the same attack power as the warriors they block from attacking. The player must stop and wait for the fight to end, or unsummon them, or try to create minions behind "enemy lines" to generate corpses so that warriors can be summoned where they are needed. In long narrow hallways, like the Dungeon, or Cat 4, or Coldworm's Burrow, this goes from Pain to Major Pain.
Fortunately there are several things that can be done.
1.1: Make the skeletal mages "base creature" the same as ghosts, they will float through the warriors and warriors will walk through them. Change their name to Ghost Mages. Use the D2LOD Ghost image for them. If possible color them to match their attack skill.
1.2: Remove skeletal mages entirely, replace the "Summon Skeletal Mages" skill with "Spectral Hit" that gives elemental damage to skeletal warriors, and revives after the pattern of Vengeance. Now, with this change, skeletal mages aren't needed, and don't get in the way.
2: Long, narrow hallways have always been a pain. This has been so for as long as there have been skelliemancers, and long narrow hallways. Skelletal warriors would be stupid, if they had enough intelligence to be stupid. They don't follow well, not even as well as the Rouge/Merc/IronWolf/Barb minion, and they're a tad dumb. Skellies stick to the wall and just evaporate. Teleport can reduce this evaporation but teleport doesn't work in several important places and losses still occur. Popping town portals, stepping to town and back, can reduce Skellie evaporation, but not cure it. There are several ways to cure this:
2.1: edit the maps to get rid of long hallways, which melee characters love as much as skelliemancers hate.
2.2: remove the requirement to cast Raise Skeleton on a corpse, allow them to be raised from "nothing" like golems can. Now, with this change, all the skelliemancer needs is mana and a bit of floor space, and how much army he lost doesn't matter.
There's a long list of what we can't do.
What's the list of what we CAN do to fix the skellimancer (meaning skills and abilities acquired before level 70)?
summoner-oriented runewords and sets
If we have "fire" enchant, can we have "lightning" enchant or "ice" enchant or "spectral" enchant? I would prefer this to venom clone spells, as it is castable on summons and fellow party members.