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Political? Moral? Historical?
« on: December 08, 2015, 05:30:53 pm »
My dear German friends

I read a news article that stunned me:

I ask, was this accurate?
If so, I ask, do these fools NOT KNOW what happens when you fill the German nation with fury?
Look at the last war with context:
You had a huge empire to the East,
Two huge empires to the West,
LOUSY leadership (Adolf didn't realize he was not a military genius, and therefore did not leave the war-fighting to the Generals, which would have doomed Stalin and forced the Brits/US to talk)
And it still took 5 years to bring the war to an end.
There is nothing between Berlin and Morocco equal to 1/10 of Poland.
Nobody like to talk of these things, because war is horrible.  It is not the MOST horrible thing; that would be surrendering Germany and being German to hateful strangers.

All in all, I think I just heard the *ping* of somebody pulling the pin from a grenade.
Germany+Denmark+France+Poland+Hungary+Slovenia vs the Angry Arab World, with Putin shaking his head and chuckling, and America doing air cover/strikes (as soon as Obama is gone)...  WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?

Sorry if this is not a welcome subject...

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 05:50:37 pm »
Brian, I still believe war is not an answer
You see it in your daily fights against the evil in game

Its like killing one and getting 100 back for the graveyard visit...

On the other hand, always saying in friendly matter, all problem solve themself, we dont do anything, does also not work...and thats the idiotic way in germany, we say to all yes and amen...
ok, the people from east germany still have some rest demonstrantic blood in their venes..the odler ones
the younger ones just revived it..for stupid shit...complainmng about all foreign cause they take their jobs, wifes and so on..hmmm why didnt they have had a job and wife before the foreigners...

at least it is a thing, which comes over and over the last thouthand of years, the more military and better weapon you havwe, the sooner it happens that some extremistic believers do the shit they think they are allowed to do by god, allah, buddha or whom ever...

Fact is, without religions we wont have so much wars, but not believing in good things, in love, the base of all religions, is the bad..its always the issue that some idiots are able to get over the big bunch of people trying to keep doing nothing
10% yes, 10% no but 80 without decision, opinion..and those 80 percent get always used in life to make benefit...

80% nothing sayer, just watcher...10 fight for, 10 fight against, and each side tries to get the 80 behind himself...political, criminal, the way doe snot count..they do it...

So its time for everyone to get a voice, and not to be afraid and say..if i m calm, it wont hit me..ask the people from paris, did they thought they get they do something against terror now..the rest of the families is polarizied for fight against foreigners..not agaisnt extremist...

the world works that way...use your voice, and you can get 80% against you or pleased to you..its just the luck of using the voice in the right way and moment...

kids without a perspective, ugly as hell, never finding a girlfriend..tell them you get 72 virgins...and a job.,..they do everything :)

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 09:48:51 pm »
Mostly we agree that war is not the most effective use of time & resources.
The First Law of War is: Don't start it.
The Second Law of War is: Win.

I'll conclude that the article I linked is factual, not just invention or distortion.
I'll also conclude that the Germans, as a people, are rather patient, and are not yet filled with fury at the people who attack them.
Yes, we can be needlessly rude to each other in grocery store lines, nothing serious is going on.
When bad things happen, we put childish irritability aside and work together against those who attack us.

I do wish, that the German people as a whole would say out loud and be very clear, that "if you come here, you come here to become German, not to turn Germany into the disaster you came from."

My perspective: "Fact is, without religions we wont have so much wars" is a comment about fire, then the talk should be about arson.
Evil people use Religion as a flag to gather "the 80%" behind them.  Religions don't have to be about a God (Buddha never said he was anything but a man who had figured things; if he saw today's Buddhist religion, he would be pounding his head on a wall somewhere because a facepalm would not be enough) it can be about "We're a better people, and have a right to kill and take as we think right" (I'm not talking about Adolph 70+ years ago, but the Arabs today).

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 04:57:18 pm »
oh, if you say things like, if you come to german, you have to respect our law and integrate into our system, not we modify us to fit to yours..than you already get called to be a *oops*...

i still prefer to help people, who are really in trouble, but i cant udnerstand that they get something and then start to say, hmm other got better stuff...
you get, whats there and all is better that you have had in your war area or in the countries around syria, where millions of people life door on door since year and more

but this behaviour is human...if you get something..and did risk your life for reaching the holy glory germany, and there is no milk and honey...than you are disappointed

the real help is needed at their home...

but you know yourself, eg veterans...there are also lot of people in our countries which need help..and they wont get it..

so it is a programmned conflict...

today i m lucky i m alive, i have a roof on top, i have to eat, and i dont need to fear for my life
surely, death can behind each door, but if you live like that, you are paranoid..

i think i have to call me lucky, even i m very unhappy and alone at the moment, but thats on me to get changed
i cant asked others, or god to change my life...

and for religion, every religion is talking about love in their base, love yourself, lovce nature and so on...

so where the hell is written, to love your next one...kill the other one...

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2015, 10:00:21 am »
You are really right with your comment, and speaks in the right way,
 what I feel in my heart and soul
I was helping for the Refugees at Munich and Landshut and did it really from my heart.
But i got problems with the Muslim Mans, cause they don´t wanna get help from German Women ect
Beleive the migration from Muslims in Germany is nearly impossible und the help must be done
at their own countries.
I wohn im scheena Niedabayan

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2015, 12:53:01 am »
oh i can tell you funny stories spending blood for red cross...once a time in the year, red cross sends a bus to the moschee, and when you see their behaviour and before women..and non muslims dont eat with us and so on...
very integrated...

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2015, 03:04:29 am »
 :drinks: Here's to hoping the immigrants don't change Germany into a duplicate of the sorry mess they left behind.

No more beer (or anything alcoholic)
No more bratwurst (or anything pork)
Women forbidden to be full-fledged adults (or anything other than humble baby-makers)
No more elections, not even to choose the Iman/Fuhrer.


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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2015, 12:01:39 pm »
you seem to have a very bad opinion about germany

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2015, 02:16:53 am »
you seem to have a very bad opinion about germany
Absolutely backwards!
My horribly low opinion is of the "immigrants" pouring over your borders!
If I understand Chancellor Merkel, adding a million strangers (who are not interested in integrating or "melting into Germany) should not cause problems; it seems to me, it already is causing problems.
If the "immigrant" tide is not halted, Germany may loose what makes Germany (the Country) be Germany (the way of life that is different from being Pole or French).
Instead it may become "a duplicate of the sorry mess they left behind" (meaning their former native country).
That would mean:
No more beer (or anything alcoholic)
No more bratwurst (or anything pork)
Women forbidden to be full-fledged adults (or anything other than humble baby-makers)
No more elections, not even to choose the Iman/Fuhrer.

I am sorry, that my lack of understanding of German grammar and sentence structure, clouds the communication.

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Re: Political? Moral? Historical?
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2015, 03:31:17 pm »
i understood brian

but i was talking about the reducing of beer, bratwurst and so on..i missed sauerkraut :)

i read a hoax letter in facebook, i even shared it..2 nice girls with bacon stripes bikini...

the letter is not from the person written in that post, but the content is the part, who fits to all nations with same issue...

should be a 3 days old, you will find it in my facebook page

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