Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
7.50 released
Hi All
I wanna announce the reduced 7.50
FIRST, DELETE DATA folder!!! before installing 7.50
What is missing...
2 new Levels
11 new Monster balanced/nam/sound
Dungeon Monster name/sound
Cause of not really good feedback, ideas from you
SkillCharms will come later with another patch
HireLing Life issue is still unfixed
Party Exp is fixed :P
Most important change, and reason for 70,7MB
patch_d2.mpq is splitted into chaosempire.mpq (~67mb) and patch_d2.mpq ~3mb
So in future you will get the patches as patch_d2.mpq
Also ALL languages have been implemented, (without translation in english)
So no one will need PLAY ENGLISH Shortcut until you want you non english version to be in english, or you want to use the new Nude Assassine Mod (moved from chaosempire.mpq to DATA folder..)
For Nude Assassine see Downloads on MainPage
One thing forgotten
Old Style Mana/Life Menu is also in custom setup installable, then you must play with play english to get it...
How to update:
- Close D2
- Deactivate ChaosEmpire (program menu)
- Deinstall ChaosEmpire (program menu)
- Delete manually DATA Folder (in D2 Folder)
check the above
- install 750
- activate it
- look into credits for 750 info
juhu die 7.50 ist da gleich saugen.
Zum Glück hast du sie vor dem 24 released obwohl wir dir das Schaf net zusammen gevoted haben.
Also vielen Dank für den tollen Mod. :clap:
i cant conenct on server chaos realm i have version 7.50 i play just in single game cant go server online ?? say can find version !!!!
aso ich kanns net saugen mir wird immr gesagt die datei gibt es schon die gibt es auch schon abr ich kann die net loeschen und ausfuehren auch net kann mir da mal wer helfen? :blink:
kannst du die alte datei nicht einfach überschreiben ?
also ich bekomme die möglichkeit
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