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nop , crack..d2loader

D2loader is forbidden because it can also be used to start some cheats. The only thing you can use is a virtual drive like Daemon Tools to prenvent your CD from bein sratched.


i got it , but what file i must put so diablo well work ?? iil try to get that fking cd ... i just wanna play this game ^^ ... P.S meybe that file is litle , and you can uplodaet it?? sry for my bad english

You first need to make an image on your harddisk of the D2-CD.

--- Quote ---meybe that file is litle
--- End quote ---
What file do you mean? The image consists of the whole CD. Maybe 700 MB are a little bit too big to upload it... :blink:

I don´t know Daemon Tools very well, so I can´t tell you if you can make images with it. I use for such things an older version of CloneCD, but you will have troubles to get that program (forbidden -.-)

Maybe someone else knows a good program for making images.

quote stuff removed,
user warned

tq ne podskazes otkuda mozno ska4at' oreginalnqj diablo II.exe ??? i s 4ogo punkta mne nihera ne ponjatno ...


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