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Doesn't sound like they give that much of a bonus.  I think I'll just keep them in my regular stash as a viewable collection.

You get foreign skills like Find Potion (which finds only regeneration potions and souls), Amplify Damage, Lower Resist, Raven, Valkyrie etc.
Later you even get +allskills and +%experience


--- Quote --- You get foreign skills like Find Potion (which finds only regeneration potions and souls), Amplify Damage, Lower Resist, Raven, Valkyrie etc.
Later you even get +allskills and +%experience
--- End quote ---
you can also get "reduce trade prices" i had in sp a doll stash with bo and + 2 skill level and muhc more... ill search a screen and post here

Edit: here is my stash

[!--aimg--][img]' alt='--Resize_Images_Alt_Text--' width='272' height='413'  class='attach' /][!--Resize_Images_Hint_Text--][!--/aimg--]

the tyrael dolls are not duped!!!!!!!!


--- Quote ---the tyrael dolls are not duped!!!!!!!!
--- End quote ---
what are you talking about? :blink: Maybe we can see on the screen, that you inserted tyrael dolls viewing the stats? Explain plz.

No, he just meant the 7 Tyrael dolls that are visible on the screenshot (3 at the bottom, 4 in the upper right corner).



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