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AuthorTopic: Having problems to play  (Read 5105 times)

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Having problems to play
« on: December 08, 2004, 03:21:16 pm »
Hey ya folks, what's up? Gutentag (did i write it right?)! :thumbup:

Khalmyr's here (yep, typed wrong my nick when registering, hahaha, isn't that nice? :wallbash: ) and I am trying to play this so famous game...but not being sucessful!

I'll try to make it short. I downloaded version 7.49e, english version (or so I think it is, seems to be because of the the way, nice image, that sexy archer with the demons is pretty great! :D)...installed (didn't delete my LOD 1.10 data files) and it entered! But, when I choose my char and start the game, it simply stops! Makes that typical WinXP advice sound and stops...

Why is that happening? :blink:

Few things that might help to find out:

1) I use WinXP Professional;
2) My D2/LOD is in French (but I always downloaded the other versions in English and it just worked!);
3) I didn't delete the LOD original data files. Later on, I tried to delete them, but didn't make any difference...

So, what is it? Do you guys have any idea? Please, I'd love to play it as soon as possible!

Danka! (is that right?) :clap:

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Having problems to play
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2004, 03:44:51 pm »
you should have activated the mod before entering the game... but i dunno if it works with french d2 (who has french d2 anyway -.-), but if it does u gotta use the play english link... but now i don't know what parts of the mod are actually on your system  and which aren't so a complete reinstall would be the best solution imho

/edit: and btw its "Guten Tag" and "danke" :P
« Last Edit: December 08, 2004, 03:45:20 pm by Olfmo »


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Having problems to play
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2004, 04:03:25 pm »
olfmo, if he has the picture with the naked archer, he has activated the mod -.-

have u tried to play on a realm? if yes, u have to put a post into the inhabitant thread in the fun section, wich includes the bid for a account on ccc. then u must send a pm to "ChaosEnergy" including the link to your post.

the other way is, to dl v. 7.49 and play on jens server^^

i hope i could help you  :s663:



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« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2004, 04:59:35 pm »
Thanks for the support, but let me share some thoughts...

1) No, I didn't try to play on the realm, only single player, really...I downloaded this game cuz some friends of mine wanna do it TCP/IP, you know... :rolleyes:

2) In order to play the realm that works with the up-to-date version, I've got donate, that's it? If I don't wanna, there's a free realm for an older version, is that right?

3) I am starting to think that uninstalling and reinstalling would be nice...but, man, only to think I'll have to uninstall everything, reinstall D2, LOD and Chaos Empire! That sucks :thumbdown:

4) I really doubt that my French version can be a reason to screw the good-working of the newest version of the Mod (btw, which one is it? I read something about a version 7.50, is that right?)...but who can confirm that? :mellow:

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Having problems to play
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2004, 05:38:09 pm »
nobody has to donate to get something, everything is free in this mod...

i know a complete reinstall suxx but sometimes it can't be avoided

the newest version is 7.49e+++ and i don't exactly know about the french version (in fact today was the first time i heard about someone with a french version of d2 and lod^^)

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Having problems to play
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2004, 05:44:37 pm »
If you hear the typical Windows sound there should also be some kind of notification window popping up or does the game just stop returning to windows?
Night always had been,
and always would be,
and night was all

(Destera @ Dez 3 2004, 12:14)
(generalad @ Dez 3 2004, 9:43)
wenn du von Viechern gekillt werden kannst, die um Welten schwächer sind als dein Char.

Das sagt sich der Dia Clone auch dauernd wenn Ihr Würmer da vorbei schaut.

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Having problems to play
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2004, 05:49:27 pm »
Any Non-German and Non-English Diablo version must be started with the Play ChaosEmpire English Shortcut

When you get the new starting screen then you have successfully activated the mod (but probably you didnt started with play english shortcut)

when you try to play an old char from lod for example, or another mod, your game wont be stable/work ...

so what happens, if you start with play english AND a new generated char (after play english start :) )


CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler ©2003-2012


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Having problems to play
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2004, 07:53:44 pm »
Any Non-German and Non-English Diablo version must be started with the Play ChaosEmpire English Shortcut

When you get the new starting screen then you have successfully activated the mod (but probably you didnt started with play english shortcut)

when you try to play an old char from lod for example, or another mod, your game wont be stable/work ...

so what happens, if you start with play english AND a new generated char (after play english start :) )
Chaos Empire shortcut? You mean that red pentagram? But that's what I use to enter the game...or did I download something wrong?

I created a char especially for testing this mod, so it's not related to lack of compatibility between char and mod...

Anyway, I'll try to reinstall everything from the beginning and see if that helps!

When my game stops and I hear that sound, nothing else happens, that screen continues, so does the music...the only way of leaving that is pressing the "Esc" key. That makes the screen, sound (and any notification that might exist) disappear, returning to Windows...

So, have you guys got any idea of how to solve this? :blink:

Thanks for the attention! :thumbup:


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« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2004, 08:07:45 pm »
What you mention is the activator, which you have to execute once in order to activate the mod.
I guess you used your normal Diablo II Shortcut to start Diablo 2? If so you have to modify the shortcut. Normally it looks like this: "C:\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe". If you want to play the Mod without trouble you should modify that link to
"C:\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct
Afterwards your Diablo 2 starts in english and most issues should be fixed. If you want the issue-fixing to go on but du not want to play the mod in english you will find a "Use" file in your Diablo II\DATA\local\ folder. Rename it to something else but "Use" and the mod should start as normal.


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Having problems to play
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2004, 01:00:45 am »
Danke you very much! :donatello: (yep, I know that sounded ridiculous, but donatello kicks butt, so I believe it's ok :D)

Thanks a billion so far, fellas! I am reinstalling everything, and, after that, will do as you say...hope it works this time! And no, I don't really mind playing it in english (no, I'm not French)! :thumbup:

Once I've done everything, I shall come here to tell you what's up! ;)

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Having problems to play
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2004, 07:38:56 am »

if you do the translation of some words, i will send you a french version of CE...
I only need translators...


CEmail: chaosenergy(a)
Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler ©2003-2012


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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2004, 05:15:37 pm »
Well, if that's the problem...I'd love to help, no doubt about it! But what exaclty do you need me to translate? The original Diablo stuff (such as start menu, area/item/waypoint/monster/skill/attribute names and other kind of stuff)? Or you mean to translate the Chaos Emipre text to French?

About my problem...well, I reinstalled everything (D2, LOD, 1.10, Chaos Empire 7.49e) and tried to start the activator, but it says that "anticheat.dll" is missing...but that cursed file is at the same folder of Chaos Empire (and of all my Diablo Stuff, which means that all the installed things related to Diablo are at this folder:

C:\Jogos\Diablo II

What can be the reason, now? I've tried to make it work by installing Chaos Empire in another folder than the one I described before (of course, after I uninstalled from the other folder), but the result was the same...

EDIT: Anyone has any idea about it?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2004, 08:41:20 pm by Khalmyr »


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« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2004, 01:15:03 am »
Hmm... Im too have problem witch CE .... i cant go in act2

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Having problems to play
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2004, 03:38:52 pm »
well i think that not being able to go to act2 isnot the only problem you have, most likely you have a wrong installation... try reinstalling your CE but in the right order as described in the forum and in the readme...


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