Just for you to ponder, Joe. Really check out the links.
dragon baby by: oilcorner;
http://oilcorner.deviantart.com/art/Baby-dragon-79538594Tried to paste graphic here for you but it was no go.... you need to use the link.
Digg . com article: So, Uh, This is Basically Your Typical Baby Dragon (PIC)
Use search on Digg . com to find!
Below is a quote of a comment on the article, by gatorfree:
"Faerie Dragon
Frequency: Very Rare
No. Appearing: 1-6
Armor Class: 5 (1 when invisible)
Move: 6" / 24"
Hit Dice: (See chart per Dragon age MM2)
% in Lair: 25%
Treasure Type: S, T, U
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 1-2
Special Defenses: Invisibility
Magic Resistance: (See chart per Dragon age MM2)
Intelligence: High to Genius
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: S (1 - 1 1/2' long)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/nil
Chance of:
Speaking: 90%
Magic Use: 100%
Sleeping: 40%
Digging: 99%
Level/X.P. Value:
V/280 + 4 hp"
Look at the picture and smile.
Ah Joe when will we see it in CE? <<>>GRIN<<>>

bdpf, 1405 digs on Digg . Com