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AuthorTopic: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)  (Read 3163 times)

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bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:31:20 am »
My friend and i have recently finished with POC mode and wanted to finish the cain quest.
we got all the items and opened to TP to tristram, killed all the scary monsters in there, then moved on the the 3 dungeons + cow level.

the real catacombs was easy and we got the item
the cave gave us cave man
then we went to the dungeon and cleared the entire map and no word dropped.
so we then went on to clear the cow level, we finally found treehead and he dropped moomoo.. but neither of us could pick it up!

then i made a big mistake and dropped "real catacombs" "cave man" and "you are my hero" and i still couldnt pick up moomoo! and now i cant pick up any of them.
we would like to finish the quest and get the special items unlocked, but neither of us can now.. any way a moderator can reset the quest or give us the key items back so we can do it again?

on a side note, a few more questions:
how do we upgrade the doll stash to have more skills?
and what determines how many golems someone may have summoned at once?

Offline Griez

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Re: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 02:16:54 am »
If you speak with Akara (and get 'You are my hero') the quest is closed and you won't be able to pick up the words anymore. 'You are my hero' MUST be the last word received.

As for the no-drop, it's a Diablo II engine limitation. If the boss is too close to an obstacle or the edge of the level, nothing will drop. This is true for every location, not just dungeon.
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Re: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 02:17:56 am »
if you couldn't pick up moomoo, it means you fread cain and talked to akara before you got all the other 4 words needed for the reward, which was a big mistake. So for the next time, make shure you collect the words before you free cain (you can already collect moomoo before the quest, just let someone give you the cow wp.)

as far as i know, there is no way to reset the quest, but thats not a big deal, because in POC the reward only consists of a HF doll, which doesn't hurt that much if you dont get it.

for the other questions: you "upgrade" the doll stash by putting dolls into it, thats why its called doll stash^^ interesting things like "BO" come around 650 dolls, 1to all skills around 1650 dolls.

how many golems you can summon is determined by the skillpoints you invested into them. You get 1 golem each 20 invested points (not +all skills, really invested points) there are 4 golems, so 4x30 skillpoints means 6 golems(+1for the first invested point, so 7 golems in total)

it doesnt matter which golems were skilled, you can summon each combo you like(for example 3 fire 2 blood 1 clay 1iron)
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Re: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 02:18:33 am »
My friend and i have recently finished with POC mode and wanted to finish the cain quest.
we got all the items and opened to TP to tristram, killed all the scary monsters in there, then moved on the the 3 dungeons + cow level.

the real catacombs was easy and we got the item
the cave gave us cave man
then we went to the dungeon and cleared the entire map and no word dropped.
You killed the boss over an area where nothing can drop. Be sure that the boss is over normal ground when you kill him.
so we then went on to clear the cow level, we finally found treehead and he dropped moomoo.. but neither of us could pick it up!

then i made a big mistake and dropped "real catacombs" "cave man" and "you are my hero" and i still couldnt pick up moomoo! and now i cant pick up any of them.
we would like to finish the quest and get the special items unlocked, but neither of us can now.. any way a moderator can reset the quest or give us the key items back so we can do it again?
You have rescued Cain and talked to Akara (and got "You are my hero"), so the quest is done and you cannot pick up the other words. Next time make sure you have the other 4 words before you talk to Akara!
There is no possibility to reset the quest.
on a side note, a few more questions:
how do we upgrade the doll stash to have more skills?
Cube the dollstash with one doll each time you get one. When the doll counter rises you will unlock further skills randomly.
and what determines how many golems someone may have summoned at once?
All hard invested points in your golems (clay, blood, iron, fire) determine the maximum amount you can summon (20 points = maximum amount + 1).
1-19 points = 1 golem
20-39 points = 2 golems
40-59 points = 3 golems
60-59 points = 4 golems
80-99 points = 5 golems
100-119 points = 6 golems
120 points = 7 golems

Edit: Three sleepless people meet in the night  :sign10:
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 02:20:40 am by Phoenix »

Offline evilsporkTopic starter

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Re: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 02:46:15 am »
ok so i guess we just screwed up getting our HF doll.

as for the golems i think our necro should get #3 very very soon. :D

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Re: bugged cain quest/items? (plus a few other questions)
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 03:53:03 pm »
I get the same problem here but in nightmare for my barb, now its impossible for me to get a multiple shot belt  :'(


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