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« on: February 13, 2006, 09:59:36 pm »
it is supposed to teleport not work here ? also there is no map ...

this is a bit boring to find  and lost the way .....

no wp + damn power reset = no way to get "The King is dead" ...

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 12:18:36 am »
yeah, it a darn frigging labyrinth.... =)
Teleport isn't allowed and the map is missing on intention.

Imho it can get quite boring really fast, but at least some monsters keep you busy while walking all through that maze.
And the reward is worth searching for the different parts.

If you want to avoid losing your way you should pick a wall when entering -> Follow this wall all the time, never going astray -> this way you may have to walk in strange circles but you can't get lost and after some 1-3 hours you'll find the king

Hope this could help you finding the way... can't help with finding the motivation to walk through a maze for hours though - but good luck if you try it ! =)

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 06:26:54 pm »
after failing the maze yet again, i gotta say this maze is kinda sick. i play CE for years now but never ever got the cow king in this friggin maze (i prefer single play). and yet again after reading bout the nice reward for getting the king, i said to myself 'just one more try' ... and after several hours gave up again. and my common strategie is 'picking one wall to follow'. but if i do so i get back to the way point after revealing bout 90% of the 'map'. im kinda sad bout that maze issue cuz i would really like to know how it is to kill the king and what would come after that. i know that nobody is allowed to give help or hints bout that maze, so i dont expect any help. i just wanted you to know how i think bout that f$ maze. :-X

€dit: several scribs errors (im still kinda 'off' after hours of maze-running...)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 06:29:50 pm by Chipy »
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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 06:48:18 pm »
Use the chars from the cheatpack to get to tristram. They have an orange charm in their inventory which has portal charges to tristram, the labyrinth and the cow level.

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 11:09:14 am »
The picking one wall to follow strategy never failed for me...

That might be not really helpful, but did you ever saw the cow king? Most of the time i could see the cow king before i could find the way to him.
Another thing you could try is, if you come back to the start-/waypoint with the tp, try sticking to the other wall (if you chose the right first, now choose the left one or vise versa). Most of the way should be free and it should 'only' take the time to run through it.

PS: The king isn't really something special or challenging. If you are  fed up with the maze, try phoenix hint with the charm (use in a1).
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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2008, 02:07:18 pm »
hell ya i even tried to pick the left wall after failing with the right side wall, just to get back to the way point sooner or later, just again.

and strangest thing of all is: i never ever saw the king there, and sometimes if running in the maze after some time i even forget why i'm in there and what to do in that mess lol.

i even follewed another hint and didnt open any tps and so didnt leave the maze cuz in another thread ive read bout an issue that the king jumps or disapears from his position if player is leaving the maze.

but just as i said, till now after all hours of maze-running through several ce-versions, i never saw the king, and therefor till now was never able to experience what the reward is for doing that cain-quest in ce.

this is the only part in ce i didnt get, till now.

im gonna try this charm with skippy-tps, and hope to get this cain quest finally.

oh and btw: i have what docs call "ADD" (attention deficit disorder), maybe that is why i get lost in that maze even with the wall-picking-walk, just cuz sooner or later i get tired and my attention lacks, and then i loose 'my' wall. (just to get a lame excuse, hehe) :oops:  :sign10:

but im gonna try this charm now, thank you for your help. :)

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2008, 11:50:52 pm »
if you turn only into one direction you reach the goal

always left or right...write it no problem with add

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2008, 05:06:59 am »
But is it the most boring peice of CE ? You betcha.  :BangHead:

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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2008, 08:04:39 am »
yea you got it, its really boring. i was happy to have my elemental druid for a very last (and at last successful) try, so i just turned on hurricane and run run run without stoping and fighting anything in there, cuz if i had done so, i would have yet again lost attention, and 'my' wall.

but i am very glad that the cain quest is no must-have.

i till now i had played ce for years without that cain quest, cuz i got lost time and again in that maze and then decided for myself that i wouldnt need that quest. :angel4:
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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2008, 10:43:54 am »
Yeah.. and a lot of work for very little reward (well at least at the lowest level.. Considering how hard the level is to get through at < a level 55 character. Its something that i would love to see re-modified.

a) reduce the labyrinth (or at least ad a few unusual areas in amongst it, to make it less tiresome)
b) reduce the monster levels to make it achievable somewhere near the completion level  (talking lowest game level here...) 'cause as a single player it would be damn near impossible to get through at the highest level
c) add a decent reward for all the hard work and time /effort  it takes to get through the Cain reward.. What is it now... A doll ? WOW! (lowest level were talking here)

Other than that i love CE. been playing it for yonks. And will continue to The fun i have now is collecting full barrels/jars/bags and unique sets of everything (gee exciting i know .. ) Mind you i only worked out what the bottles of elixir actually do after a few years of playing...

And stop movin the flamin portals and people/stash around. I'm starting to think its a conspiracy to send old coots like me insane.


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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2008, 02:25:38 pm »
well noone forces you to do the cain quest in poc with lvl 55, just play lr or even cgs before it and do the quest with a lvl 80+.

if you do that it will be done in no time and the reward will be ok for the effort.

For the LR reward, some chars get skills like Multishot which yu can make awsome builds with, so its also enough for a reward (if every charclass would get something that useful: Necro -> Sacrifice  wohoo)

And the cgs cain q is very hard but the reward is more than worth it.
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Re: Labirynth
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2008, 03:34:21 pm »
now that i know the 'system' of the maze, and that the wall-picking-run works, its ok for me to go for it, its just my lack of attention so i have to be more concentrated when doing the maze-run than i am usually (watching tv, eating, reading, and  stuff - while playing :partytime: )

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