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7.69 ?
« on: July 06, 2008, 04:31:13 am »

Have only just found this update, I see its a full 90 odd meg and cant find any information about what is new with this version ?

Also the format of the website is confusing to me now, trying to find things ie couldnt find where to download anything for ages, read up of cube recipes again and in it it says to goto web page to see crafting recipes and was lost from there !!!


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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 04:30:11 pm »
Smile,  :wece:
Now I'll try and help.
I have had my problems too. Here is a link that will help:

Yes I know its for the 7.65 version, but most of it seems to apply to the 7.69 version.

Also you need to use the forum search to find more info. I'm sorry I failed to bookmark what I found in the past.
I'm sure others will make posts to help you out.
My problem is that I lose details of instructions, old age seems to have caught up with me. <Grin>  :s513:
bdpf, aka: Snuffy

 :BangHead: :boxing: :bangin: :oops:

ps: in the download section ( don't ask where it is) you will find several other things that help.
The item list is still close to what you need. Remember CE is always changing. wrs
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 04:33:19 pm by bdpf »
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Offline jbtilley

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2008, 06:09:25 pm »
I have a few questions about 7.69, maybe someone on here has already played through it... I'm right at the end of Act 1.

So far the layout for Act 1 is exactly the same as vanilla LOD.  In version 7.61 the levels and dungeons were re-arranged with new bosses, layouts, mappings, etc.  Now it looks the same - the only difference being the item drops.  Is this largely true for the other Acts?  I remember the underground area in Act 3 being totally different.  Does 7.69 restore the bland old LOD underground?  So far 7.61 is looking better in this regard.  There was a difference between vanilla and the mod.  Now I'm just running into the same flow and the same bosses as the vanilla.  This is really the most important bit for me.  I really liked the new items and new layout of the mod, so far the latest version appears to only offer new items.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 06:14:44 pm by jbtilley »

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2008, 09:22:34 pm »
I'm right at the end of Act 1.

So far the layout for Act 1 is exactly the same as vanilla LOD.  In version 7.61 the levels and dungeons were re-arranged with new bosses, layouts, mappings, etc. 

Andariel's Lair (cat 4) is unchanged for 7.61, this is vastly different from vanilla.

The Butcher is available on cat 4, if you want a difference from vanilla go talk to him.  So is King Leoric accepting appointments for conversations, his office is on Cat 4.

There was a 7.61 King Leoric and The Butcher encounter in the jails or caatacombs, these are gone.

Act 1 differences from Vanilla LOD are the same in 7.61 as 7.69; the underground tunnels are direct portals to other areas.  7.61 to 7.69 differences include the placement of BloodRaven and Rakenishu.  The Inner Sancturary map is the same, the monster population is different.

I think act 2 is the same as 7.61 (Lazarus and Creeping Feature being non-vanilla, you must collect the 5 words to cube the horadric staff)

Act 3 differs: the Durance 2 wp is gone, (remember to get the 3 words for cubing the Kalim's Will) so you have to go from Travincal to Mephisto in one run.

Act 4 differs: the 5 seals of Diablo are re-arranged: 3 where you remember them in the Sanctuary, one by the Hellforge and one by Izual.

I'm so far removed from Vanilla LOD that my answer is really sparse... but the differences do seem to be huge thruout.

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 10:29:17 am »
Thanks !

Ive been playing with 7.68 for quite some time and when i downloaded 7.69 it was 90+ meg so i thought there may have been a few big changes with a full download like that, thats all.

Cheers :nike:

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 11:08:43 am »
there is a much smaller update file for 765-7.68 to 769

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2008, 01:52:43 am »
I can only really speak about the first two acts up to the arcane sanctuary.

Act 1:  In the version of CE that I was used to, cat 4 was already changed with the new layout.  In addition some of those annoying filler levels that were really repetitive were removed making the trip to Andariel a quick one.  Sad to see that all those are back in 7.69

the underground tunnels are direct portals to other areas.

This was not my experience.  The tunnels in CE 7.61 were linked different that they are in vanilla.  There were even some tunnels that were all linked together, all the unnecessary tunnels from vanilla that were removed in the run-up to cat 4 with the creatures from Act 5 near the end.  Maybe 20 levels deep.  So far all the tunnel layouts I've gone in are the same as vanilla.

Perhaps the largest disappointment in act 2.  There was one tunnel (ancient tunnel?) in the lost city in 7.61 that was unique - I called it the dog level.  I was excited to get back in there as it was a good place to level in previous versions.  I was totally dissapointed to see that it was replaced with the same old vanilla version of the ancient tunnel.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 01:54:45 am by jbtilley »

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2008, 10:06:45 am »
It seems that your installation is not complete. You should attempt to re-install.
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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2008, 03:20:34 am »
Hmmm maybe that is the case.  Another thing that was once in CE but is no longer in 769.  That level in Act 5 that had the cows (not the attacking kind, the kind that stand stationary).  It was in one of those 3 ice caverns that are all the same.  Now it's just the same old same old ice cavern.

I'm really questioning whether or not they were moved back to how these levels were or if it really is an installation issue.  I say this because aside from about three things everything else is how I would expect.

I found a kill the 7 bread in that ice cavern that I thought should have had cows in it.  Seems like it wouldn't have the boss that drops the bread if the installation was incomplete.
I've also got the modified cat4, duriel, seals in act 4, etc.  The only things missing so far:
-there was an extra long crypt in the burial grounds - something like 15 levels deep.  now replaced with vanilla
-there was a level with a lot of dogs in that trap door the ancients way, now just the standard vanilla
-there was a level with cows (stationary) in one of those act 5 ice caverns, now all are vanilla
=the wanderer wasn't at the anvil where you destroy the stone, but I found him elsewhere
=there used to be a blood golem boss in one of the temples in act 3, I didn't see him this time around

The only thing i really miss from the old version is skipping all those redundant levels in act 1 and the dog level in act 2.  Other than that I don't miss the old stuff.

I didn't bother checking those two temples that are on opposite sides of the walkway approaching the travinical, as they used to have diablo in them and I didn't want to risk it.  I did notice diablo in one of those portal areas in the fields of act 5 however.

Seems like the missing stuff was done on purpose from my perspective, yet you're saying I might have an installation error?

P.S.  The lava maws in worldstone 2 are ridiculous.  They take about 30 hits apiece at 300-1100 damage and there are hundreds of them.  The only thing you can really do is run past them and ignore.  They are terribly unbalanced.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 03:23:31 am by jbtilley »

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 08:10:03 am »
The only things missing so far:
-there was an extra long crypt in the burial grounds - something like 15 levels deep.  now replaced with vanilla
IT HASNT BEEN THERE EVER, it is below of Nihlathak

-there was a level with a lot of dogs in that trap door the ancients way, now just the standard vanilla

-there was a level with cows (stationary) in one of those act 5 ice caverns, now all are vanilla

=the wanderer wasn't at the anvil where you destroy the stone, but I found him elsewhere

=there used to be a blood golem boss in one of the temples in act 3, I didn't see him this time around

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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 08:59:03 am »
Your best option would be to completely reinstall D2LoD and clean-install CE. You could even corrupt your chars with the mixed install.
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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 02:47:15 pm »
As already been said, it sounds like you are talking about another mod...

You have mixed so much things up and talk about things that i can not remember ever being in this mod.

=the wanderer wasn't at the anvil where you destroy the stone, but I found him elsewhere
The wanderer was at the exit/entrance of kurast in older versions. Now he is in the great march...

=there used to be a blood golem boss in one of the temples in act 3, I didn't see him this time around
As far as i remembere there was never an enemy like a blood golem anywhere in the game.

I didn't bother checking those two temples that are on opposite sides of the walkway approaching the travinical, as they used to have diablo in them and I didn't want to risk it.
Diablo was never in one of those temples, even the clone could not spawn there, because there is no superuniq inside them.
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Re: 7.69 ?
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2008, 02:10:22 am »
My bad.  I haven't played diablo in 3 years.  I guess the memory I had of some other mod is mixing in with my memory of CE.  I thought CE was the only mod I ever played.  Oops.

I meant in act 4, where you destroy Mephisto's soul stone.  He was there and he spawned about a million things to come after you.  It was quite hard.  At this point I'm thinking that this was that other mod as well.  Thanks for steering me in the right direction!